Page 39 of Gauntlet
Simone cut her phone off as I stared at her pale face.
“She’d kill Faelea?” I gasped as I felt my chest tighten. Gauntlet moved behind me, his hands clasping my shoulders gently. “They can’t find her.”
“Don’t worry, babe; they’ll never get close enough to her. Faelea has an entire MC protecting her and our allies,” Gauntlet murmured, gazing at Drake.
“Too damn right,” Drake agreed, looking at me. “You got the evidence. What’s the next steps, Simone?”
“We’re going to give everything to Ramirez. It’ll take him several weeks to ensure our evidence is real, and then he’ll show it to a judge and get a warrant. Not only is Cordelia liable for arrest, but so’s her father. Ramirez will probably take them both down together.”
“I wanna be there for that,” I said quietly.
Gauntlet’s hands tightened and then relaxed.
“Not sure that’s a good idea,” Simone replied.
“No, it’s a fucking great idea. I want them to see me standing tall and free when they’re arrested. They need to know I brought them down and got Abbi justice. And I want to see Jax, Arlo, and Mr Cask when they realise the bitch they replaced me with was the one who killed Abbi. I suffered their hate for ten years. I am owed this,” I argued.
“It would be up to Ramirez,” Butch mumbled.
“Tell him from me; Amberlea earned this,” Gauntlet interrupted.
“I will do, but can’t promise shit,” Butch replied.
“Ramirez owes us, and I’m calling in a favour. The girl gets to see justice,” Drake added, and Butch nodded.
“Don’t disagree, but make sure she is protected when she goes,” Butch stated as Drake offered a head tilt.
“It is soon gonna be over, Amberlea. Just stay with Rage until you get the call when it’s all going down,” Simone stated with a small smile.
“Thank you so much. This means the world to me,” I said.
“Thank Seraphine, she’s the one who believed in you,” Simone replied, and Gauntlet’s head shot up.
“I speak to her weekly, so I’ll let her know what’s going on. And I put money on her account,” I replied. That got a bigger grin from Simone.
“You’re good people,” Simone exclaimed, and with a quick glance at the room, left with Butch.
“Seraphine?” Drake asked before anyone else said a word.
“She befriended me in prison. Without her, I doubt I would have survived. The first week I was there, six women cornered me in the showers and began beating me. Seraphine intervened and saved me. She didn’t get punished for it. I don’t honestly know who Seraphine is, but she is good people like Simone said.”
“You think she’s linked to the Juno Group?” Drake murmured to Texas.
“Probably,” Texas replied as he eyed me. “You know anything else about her?”
“No, and if I did, I wouldn’t say,” I stated firmly.
Gauntlet and Fish sent me a look of approval as Texas looked faintly surprised, but Drake was blank.
“Loyalty goes a long way in our lifestyle, Amberlea. Good for you,” Drake mumbled. “We’ll let you go to the women. I’m looking forward to your cupcakes.”
I sent Drake a puzzled stare and then darted from the room. Heading back to the kitchen, I saw the two enforcers, Rock and Gunner, both big men who looked alike, walking towards the room I’d left. Rock tilted his head at me, and Gunner sent me a quick glance. I rushed into the kitchen and fanned my face.
“Does Rage have a requirement that any man riding with them needs to be hot?” I exclaimed.
The women all exchanged looks and began laughing.
“We’ve all asked that at one time or another,” Phoe said through giggles.