Page 3 of Best Friend's Dirty Ex
That stops me up and I think about what I could do with his money. I've been looking to increase some investments lately, and that's a good figure to start. Plus, gambling with somebody else's money is always a smart bet.
“You’re on.”
A slight smile curves the corners of his lips. “You don't even want to know my parameters?”
I give my head a shake. What could he possibly do? Impose a time limit that I'll blow out of the water? Given the way her body reacted to me earlier, I have no doubt that getting her into bed will be a breeze. As for Arson, I'm used to men like him. Men who think that they look good by throwing money around. People who don't realize how stupid they look when they throw money away. People looking to spice up their day and don’t mind losing. Fine. I’ll happily fleece him.
I offer him my hand to shake and catch sight of my ex-wife, Lyla. She's staring directly at Arson and my heart drops. That's not the stare of a woman who just noticed a good-looking guy. That's the stare of a woman who noticed her good-looking guy and she's wondering why he's not looking at her.
I can't help but wonder if I've just been duped. Because if he's not the kind of man to throw money away, then he's probably the kind of man to make sure he has the upper hand. And if he's been talking with my ex-wife, there's no doubt that he knows some details about just how difficult this task could become. When women are friends, they often have that pack mentality when it comes to hating a man who has messed with any one of them. And given that Everly and my ex-wife have become increasingly close over the last few months, it’s a serious risk. One that I should have given more weight.
Still, I know how her body responded to my proximity. She can’t deny that she wants me, that she’s interested in sleeping with me, and I’m going to use that to seduce her, no matter what.
“Can I get in on that?” I glance up to see Hunter standing beside me and wonder if Rico or Blake know he’s here. No doubt they’d throw him out if they knew, but maybe they’re just trying to keep the peace and Hunter is the type to make a scene.
“I’d also like a piece of the action.” Konan Dark, another wealthy Club Red member drops into the seat beside me.
“No,” I say.
At the same time, Arson speaks, unmoving, his gaze locked on me. “Yes. First one to fuck her wins a hundred grand. May the best man win.” Once again, that infuriating smile plays at his lips. I see the challenge in his eyes and know he’s not about to make my life easy.
I know a setup when I see it - and I've just been set up.
“Well, in that case...” Konan goes to stand up, but I grab the back of his jacket and pull him back into his seat. He glances at me, a smile on his face. “What, is this the hundred grand that breaks you?”
I don't give a shit about the money. I don't want any of them going anywhere near Everly. Hell, I don’t even want them thinking about her, much less fantasizing about getting her out of her clothes.
But before it can vocalize or even fully internalize my thoughts, Hunter strolls off, heading in Everly's direction.
Some more primal part of me wants to chase him down and pound him into the ground. But a bigger part of me doesn't want to cause a scene and make my life even harder. If I ruin her best friend's wedding, there's no way Everly will ever look at me again with anything but contempt and hatred.
The three of us just watch Hunter walk up, and I see the look on Blake's face change. There's a dark fury there and a danger I don't expect that warns things might just get ugly.
But Hunter doesn't seem to take heed of the warning being given and walks right up to Everly, hunkering down beside her chair as she glances at her friend in confusion then back to him. He speaks in a low voice, and I can't make heads or tails of what he's saying, but she seems annoyed as she glances past him at Lyla.
Lyla lifts her eyebrows and takes a long drink of her wine, her eyes never leaving Everly’s face. I can sense that things are not going well. Everly is not humoring Hunter and everyone around him is doing their best not to laugh at whatever he is attempting. That paired with Blake's unhappiness that Hunter is there, and I know that there's no way this will go well for Hunter.
But Everly flashes Hunter a bright, patient smile, and when her lips move, I can see that she is saying something to the effect of thank you, but I'm not interested.
Everyone around me watches, curious what's going to happen next. I have no doubt everyone at the table knows that there are only a couple of outcomes that could possibly happen. Either Hunter will accept this snub with grace - which he is not the best at doing - or he'll start getting loud and making a scene, prompting Blake to step in and throw him out on his ass.
To my absolute surprise, Hunter flashes a smile, nods his head, and leaves her side. She, Lyla, Thea and Blake watch him go, stunned expressions on all the women’s faces and steely, stoic calm on Blake’s. But his fury ignites his eyes, and I know he’s not done with Hunter yet.
I notice how Everly’s gaze strays to mine before darting away, her cheeks turning pink as she turns to her best friends and begins to talk in a low voice, her expression animated. Lyla’s gaze slides in my direction, but I keep my attention fixed on Everly.
I'm not interested in dredging up the past or thinking about everything that went on with my ex. Divorce was the best thing we could have done because we got together when we were young and stupid. We were reckless. We made a mistake, and I don't blame her for that, though clearly she blames me.
She can claim that I was a dog, that I broke her heart and even that I cheated on her, but I'm not about to cry onto the tits or laps of the women that I now enjoy spending my time with. Lyla and I were not a good match. We should never have gotten married in the first place.
Even now, I'm watching the woman I'm interested in and thinking about how I'm going to get into her pants. I already know that she's an interior designer and I have an office in need of a heavy-handed overhaul.
Of course, that's how I'm going to pitch it, that I have an office in need of a redesign. What I'm going to leave out, conveniently for my sake, is that it's a Home Office.
The thought of her in my house, touching my things, in my space, the scent of her perfume clinging to the air, has me harder than I'd like to admit, and I shift in my seat. I can't pinpoint exactly why I want her so bad, but I’m going to stop at nothing to make her mine.
I don't give a damn about the bet. I don't give a damn about the other men who are going to be trying to come for her. I don't care about anything other than the fact that she's an itch I need to scratch.
“I can see the wheels turning.”