Page 82 of Crimson Desires
It was four in the morning, and the sun was beginning to crawl over the horizon. It hadn’t yet peeked over the silhouetted treetops, but it made its presence known regardless as the sky shifted from inky black to navy blue.
I leaned back on my seat, drawing my legs up to my chest and trying to make myself comfortable. I closed my eyes. And slowly but surely, I managed to fall asleep.
I couldn’t ignore the slightly anxious look on Jack’s face as he approached the merch table.
“You free for the next few hours?” Jack asked.
I rolled my eyes—obviously, I was free. What else did I have on my schedule today except to work for his tour? “I am. But don’t you have sound checks to worry about?” I asked.
“I’m buying you lunch,” Jack said. Before I could protest, he lifted his hand. “A friend of mine wants to meet you. So, I arranged reservations.”
“Seriously? Since when are you allowed to make lunch dates on my behalf?” I asked.
Jack grinned. “Don’t be nervous, Aster. She’s going to love you. I promise.”
“Because I’m so easy to love.”
“Sarcasm aside, yes, you are.” Jack leaned forward and kissed my forehead. It shocked me how naturalthe affectionate gesture felt. “Anyways, I’ve arranged for Dave to drive you. When you get to the restaurant, just tell the hostess that you’ve got reservations under my name. I wish I could join you guys, but alas—I’ve got very important rock star things to do.”
“Let me guess? Hookers and blow?”
“Yep. Exactly right, flower girl.”
“Well, in that case, save some for me.”
“Some what? Hookers or blow?”
I took a moment to think. “Hookers,” I decided sagely. “I’m trying to cut back on the blow this month.”
Jack chuckled. “Okay. Hookers it is. I’ll see you after the show, okay?”
“Okay,” I said. And because it felt like the right thing to do, I leaned forward and planted a quick kiss on his lips.
Jack didn’t make a big deal out of it. The same way he hadn’t made a big deal out of me kissing him at the hotel. He just offered me one of his stupid cocky grins before retreating backstage to prepare for his sound check.
“So, do you know who Jack’s friend is?” I asked Dave.
I was sitting in the back of his Honda, playing nervously with the hem of my shirt.
Dave glanced at me through the rearview mirror. “Sorry, Miss Jennings. I’m not at liberty to say.” He turned his gaze back to the road.
“Really? Is she a big deal or something?”
“Again. Not at liberty to say.”
I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest. Ever since Jack had told me about the reservations that he’d made for me to have lunch with his friend, I’d wondered about who she might be. More pressing than that, though, I wondered why she’d want to meet me.
Google had provided me with a few potential guesses for Jack’s mystery friend. Alicia Kingston, an actress that Jack had acted alongside in a Disney Channel Original Movie. Verity Lee, a singer who had provided vocals for one of Wicked Crimson’s singles. Kay Peters, a high school friend who was currently in Miami performing with the touring cast of Wicked.
I didn’t have to stew in my curiosity for long.
The restaurant that Jack had picked was only a ten-minute drive from the concert venue. Dave pulled up to the front doors of the coastal-themed restaurant and unlocked my door. “Here’s your stop, Miss Jennings. You’ve got my number, correct? Just shoot me a text when you’re ready to leave.”
“Will do. Thanks, Dave.”