Page 21 of The Other Half
Suddenly I feel the softness of his lips brushing against mine. I part my lips slightly and he does the same, I can feel his breaths colliding with mine, and suddenly his kiss becomes more intense. He covers my mouth with his, sliding his lips over mine and then slipping his tongue over my bottom lip and into my mouth. I follow his lead and let my tongue dance with his slowly, causing him to moan softly. The sound awakening feelings in my body I never knew existed before.
When he breaks away from our kiss and I open my eyes, trying to catch my breath, I see him staring fondly into mine. He leans his forehead on mine and traces my jawline with his thumb over and over. I have so many feelings that I want to verbalize but I have no idea where to start, so I remain silent, with a smile etched on my lips.
“Was that okay?” he whispers.
“It was perfect,” I say as I tuck my head under his chin, and I can feel him hug me tighter.
Chapter 20
I walk through the doors to the cafeteria and spot Oliver and his friends sitting at a table in the corner of the large room. Beside him is his best friend, Rodney, he has jet black hair that he spikes up into a fauxhawk most days. Across from the two of them is their other friend Ben, and next to him is Amber. I’m aware that they all run in the same circles and it wouldn’t be long before I’d have to meet her. Still, I’ve been dreading it.
I sit down beside Oliver and he slides his arm around my waist protectively “Hey, babe,” he says as he kisses my cheek.
The group carries on with their conversation from before. I’ve never met any of his friends before, but he insisted that I start sitting with them now that we’re dating.
“How’s your day been?” Oliver asks me when his conversation comes to a lull.
“Not bad. Yours?” I reply quietly.
“Are you two gonna share with the rest of the class?” Amber’s shrill voice cuts through our quietly shared conversation. Splendid.
“Fuck off, Amber,” Oliver says rolling his eyes, but I’m not sure if he’s being serious or playful.
“Why? I mean she’s sitting here, it’s kind of rude for her not to talk to the rest of us.”
My face is probably firetruck red right now, I wish the floor could just open up and swallow me so I could be anywhere else.
“I’m sorry,” I choke out, clearing my throat, “I’m Oakley. It’s nice to meet you.” I attempt a conciliatory smile.
I know I could be a bitch right back to her, and that’s probably what she wants, but I don’t want to play that game. I have no interest in making her my enemy.
She lets out a slight, unfriendly laugh. “Whatever.”
“Dude, if you’re gonna be a bitch go sit somewhere else,” Oliver says icily. “She’s my girlfriend, she has just as much right to sit here as you.”
She shoots him a vicious look, then she picks up her tray and stands next to the table. She eyes me up and down pityingly.
“Have fun holding hands on the playground with her, Oliver. She looks and acts like she’s 12, so I hope you aren’t planning to sleep with her. That might count as statutory.” She turns on her heel and tosses her tray in the nearest trash can, not looking back. A few people around us that overheard that comment are staring and snickering.
Can I just die? I didn’t expect her to be my best friend or anything, but I also didn’t think she was going to hate my guts right off the bat.
Oliver pulls me close to his chest and leans in, “I’m sorry about that. Please ignore her, she’s just jealous, I promise,” he whispers.
Jealous? Of me? That’s hilarious.
“It’s fine,” I say insincerely. I feel the threat of tears pricking the back of my eyes.
* * *
When the final bell rings, I walk out of class hastily, ready for this day to be over.
I sit down on one of the benches in front of my school, waiting to see my mom’s car drive up the hill. She told me she’d come get me so I wouldn’t have to ride the bus today.
I’m one of the last ones left here, and my phone is dead so there’s really nothing to do besides homework. I rifle through my backpack and grab my copy of Romeo and Juliet that was assigned for English. I don’t usually enjoy assigned reading but this one is pretty good so far.
As I’m engrossed in a page where Benvolio once again tells Romeo what a jackass he is, I hear feminine giggling echoing from nearby.