Page 25 of The Other Half
She shrugs. “Maybe they do, I don’t know. But they don’t act like it anymore. They never hug, or hold hands, it seems like they prefer to not even interact with each other. When they do, it turns into a fight.”
It’s hard to imagine. My parents aren’t super lovey-dovey or anything, but I know they enjoy each other’s company at least. I’ve never seen them fight.
“How do they act towards you?”
“My mom is usually nice, but sometimes it doesn’t feel genuine. She’s the type of person who acts like everything is fine, even when it isn’t. My dad usually just makes me feel like I’m a disappointment.”
That makes me sad. I knew her dad was an angry drunk, but I didn’t know he was an ass all the time. How could he possibly be disappointed in her? She’s such a kind and likable person, she never gets into trouble, most parents wish for a kid like that. “Fuck that. He should be proud of you.”
“I mean, I don’t blame him. I failed one of my classes last year, that kind of put our relationship on a downward spiral. And he always makes comments about how I need to exercise more and eat less, and how I shouldn’t have cut my hair.”
What the fuck? That’s not okay. This guy keeps making his way to the top of my shitlist. “Big deal, you failed one class. It happens. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with your body, or your hair.” I grab her hand and lift it to my lips, pressing a kiss to it. “You’re gorgeous, Oakley. Just the way you are.”
She smiles, but that sad, faraway look is still in her eyes. I hate that her dad is the one who fucked up her self esteem. Everything about that is wrong.
The sun is beginning to set, and the air is growing colder. “Let’s get ready to go home, L.” I call out to Liam, even though I don’t really want to leave.
“Nooo!” he whines.
I pick him up and throw him over my shoulder, ignoring his kicks against my chest. “Thank you for coming with us,” I say, leaning down to give Oakley a quick kiss.
“Ewww!” Liam squeals. “Don’t kiss girls, Oliver.”
I laugh at how innocent he still is. I wish I could preserve his innocence, I don’t want him to turn into what Nate and I are. I don’t want him to experience the rough edges of the world.
“Thank you for inviting me,” she replies smiling. “And I’m glad I got to meet you, Liam!”
“You too,” he replies.
“I’ll text you later,” Oakley whispers, pecking one last kiss on my cheek before turning around and starting back towards her neighborhood. I admire the sway of her perfect, narrow hips and wonder how anyone could find a flaw in her.
Chapter 24
I’m halfway through an episode of Friends, snuggled up on my massive, plush couch with Johnny. My parents are at a dinner party tonight, they invited me but I was definitely not in the mood to get dressed up and listen to boring adults drone on about golf all night long.
My phone buzzes, breaking my concentration from the show.
Oliver: Come over tonight, I miss you
I smile as I read the message. We were just together earlier at the park, so I didn’t expect him to already want to see me again. Of course it makes me happy though, I miss him whenever we aren’t together.
Oakley: I’d love to. :)
Oliver: Some friends will be here too, we can all hang out.
Most of his friends seem okay, I guess. But I wonder how much they’d really want me there. I wonder how much he even talks about me to his friends.
Oakley: Who all is coming?
Oliver: Just Rodney and Amber
Amber? I think back to our latest encounter, I know she won’t be happy to see me. And why is he even having her over at his house? I should just say no. But then again, what if she’s there to try and make a move on him and get back together? The hand holding my phone is now slicked in a nervous sweat.
Oakley: I should probably just chill at home tonight, I have so much homework.
I really don’t, I get most of my homework done in study hall. But he doesn’t know that. What would I even contribute to this hang out session, anyway? I feel like I don’t fit in with his friends. The problem is that I never really feel like I fit in with any group. But I do feel like I fit in with Oliver, when it’s just the two of us. I feel like I can be myself, finally.