Page 47 of The Other Half
She nods, downing the rest of her champagne. “It’s all good. Fuck it. Cheers to daddy issues!” She waves the empty glass up in the air.
Daddy issues. I had never considered myself to have those, but I guess I pretty much do.
She studies my face for a moment. “Hey, listen… I’m sorry I was such a cunt when we first met.”
I’m slightly shocked at her casual use of the C-word. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not, I was out of line. I was just jealous.”
I laugh nervously, “Jealous? Of me?” I shake my head. “Why? I mean, you’re so pretty and popular.”
“Yeah, I know I am,” she laughs. “But I was jealous because of what you and Oliver had. The way he looked at you. I’ve never had that with anyone, really. I’ve always been the girl that guys hook up with, but don’t hold on to. He obviously really cares about you a lot.”
“Not anymore…” I say.
“I think he still does,” she shrugs. “I think he’s just going through so much. With his dad and everything.”
His dad? I never got to meet his parents, but he always spoke highly of them. “What about his dad?”
“Oh shit, he didn’t tell you?” She winces. “He’s probably gonna be pissed that I told you. He didn’t even tell me, Nate did.”
“What?..” I push.
“His dad is, like, dying. He has cancer.”
Huh? I had no clue. Poor Oliver, I know he and his dad are close. The only one of us who has a good dad, and he’s going to die of cancer at a young age. Figures.
“I had no idea,” I say shakily.
“Just don’t tell him I told you. I figured that was part of why y’all broke up. He hasn’t told me anything about it.” She looks at me sadly, like she genuinely cares.
I nod my head, lost for words. Is that part of why we broke up? I wish he had told me, I wish I could’ve been there for him and been supportive. I guess it doesn’t matter, he doesn’t want me to be there anymore.
“Hey, let’s go to a party tonight. Get your mind off everything.”
My eyes go wide. “A party? Don’t you remember the whole “grounded for life” thing I explained earlier?”
She shrugs and rolls her eyes, “We’re not gonna get caught.”
“Like I didn’t get caught last time?”
“You were with Oliver last time and he’s an idiot, of course you got caught.”
I wonder if she really thinks he’s an idiot. He’s easily one of the smartest kids at our school, you’d think his friends would know that, but maybe that’s another part of himself that he hides from most people.
I shake my head, “I don’t think we should…”
“Come on,” she grabs my hand and pouts her lips playfully. Even to me she looks hot when she does that, I can’t imagine the effect it has on guys. “You need to let loose. It’ll be fun.”
I take a deep breath and bite my lip. “Okay, but we cannot get caught. My parents will murder me. I’m serious.”
“Trust me, I’m a pro at this. You won’t.” She hops off the bed and opens my closet. “Now let’s get dressed. I’ll do your makeup.”
Chapter 38
Three hours later we’re pulling up to a house down the street from where Amber lives. The neighborhood isn’t nearly as rough as Oliver’s, it appears to be mostly one-story, middle class homes. All night she’s been making comments about how amazing my house is, but I honestly find these a lot cozier and more inviting.