Page 71 of The Other Half
“I don’t think she loves living here. She’s told me that she wants a smaller, older house that’s closer to a city.”
He looks bewildered, but then it’s like something connects in his brain. I can see the puzzle piece snap together. “Maybe you’re right. I guess her mother and I just assumed that this is what everyone wants, because it makes us happy.”
I nod. “I get that. My parents wanted me to follow in their footsteps as well. But I want something different.”
“I’m sure you know I haven’t always been the best husband. Or father, for that matter.”
You can say that again, I think, but I remain quiet.
“I love my family, but I have my problems. I’m working through them now because I want to keep us together. I’m sure Oakley has told you enough to make you dislike me, but I hope you and I can start over. I am sorry for judging you so harshly.”
I won’t lie to him and say that we can start over, I’ll never forgive him for what he’s done to my girl, but I can accept his apology for judging me at least. “It’s alright.” I shake his hand and he gives me a tight smile before retreating back into the house.
I find Oakley dancing with some other girls I don’t recognize. She looks so completely happy right now. Even though she describes herself as shy and introverted, I don’t think she really is. I think deep down she loves being her true self around people, she just doesn’t usually feel comfortable enough to do so.
I grab her hand and she snaps her head over to me, still smiling. Her face fills with concern once she realizes it’s me. “What happened?” She leads me away from the make-shift dance floor in her living room and into a quieter hallway.
“He apologized to me.”
Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “He did?”
I nod.
“Did you tell him that we’re moving in together?”
“No, I figured we should still do that together.”
She nods. Suddenly the music changes to a slower tempo. First Day of My Life by Bright Eyes sounds through the speakers in the room next to us. She grabs my hands and starts swaying to the music.
“This doesn’t sound like party music,” I joke, leaning my forehead against hers.
“I may have snuck a few songs that I actually like onto this playlist.” She giggles. “Plus it seemed appropriate for a graduation party.”
I spin her around and grab her by the waist, holding her flush to my body as she continues smiling up at me. “I love you.” I press my lips against hers softly.
She pulls away from me and looks around the hallway. “We probably shouldn’t do that.”
“Why not? Your dad knows.”
“He does?”
She’s so cute when she’s confused. “Yeah. He said he knew all along that he wouldn’t be able to keep us apart.” I lean in to rub my lips against her ear. “He was right.” I feel the heat emanating off her soft skin, and I suddenly feel the urge to pull her up the stairs and into her room so we can be truly alone.
“So let’s go tell them then. What are we waiting for?”
I think about it for a second. I’m still nervous, not that her dad will have shit to say to me. I think we’re past that, but I am nervous about how Oakley will feel if her parents act disappointed about her decision. As hard as she tries to pretend she doesn’t care, I know she still wants her parents’ approval. “Okay, yeah we can.”
She gives me a reassuring smile, letting me know that whatever happens she’ll be okay. I hope that’s true. We walk through the house until we find her parents talking to some other adults that I’ve never seen before.
“Mom?” Oakley touches her on the shoulder. “Could we talk to you for a minute? Both of you.”
I stand next to her and protectively hold her by the waist. Her mom glances down at my hand and raises her eyebrows slightly in surprise. Guess she didn’t get the memo yet.
“Um, sure. Dan?”
They say goodbye to their friends and turn to us. “Is everything alright?” her mom asks, sounding a bit anxious.
“Everything’s good,” Oakley smiles. “Um, we just wanted to tell you,” I watch her take a deep breath as a blush crawls up her neck. “OliverandIaremovingintogether.” She doesn’t pause between any of the words so they come out as an awkward jumble, but judging by the looks on their faces her parents understood her just fine.