Page 14 of The Crimson Queen
“Me,” he says, “Now, please tell me you’re lucid enough to handle yourself for a moment. The creature that could’ve easily killed us both for good has passed, but they’re not far enough to ignore your shouting. So, keep your voice down.” I nod quickly.
What creature? I glance past him into the woods and slowly the shape of tree trunks becomes clearer until I can spot an eight-legged beast moving through the edge of the hill we’re on. Asmo removes his hand, taking a step back.
“Why did you look like him?” I demand, narrowing my eyes into slits.
He scowls back at me. “Genetics?”
“I mean FULLY like him,” a pulse power accompanies my words, nearly knocking him off balance. “Take another step back, asshole.”
“Gladly. And I’m sure the oracle told you of the effects of the smoke. Did he not?”
“He did…”
“Hmmm.” He arches a brow, tonguing the inside of his cheek as he looks to where the creature was heading off then turns his heated eyes back to me. “You saw what you wanted to see. And don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered, but you were the one heading to third base and I didn’t feel like being eaten today. Apparently, you did, though.”
My teeth grind at the thought of him between my legs. Not in a million years.
“Eaten? Are you kidding me? You’re telling me you couldn’t have just guided me into killing the thing instead of shoving your insidious tongue down my throat? I was drugged. What’s your excuse?”
He holds up his wrist, showing the bracelet. “I’m not exactly capable of much right now, remember? You could barely walk a straight line, so excuse me if I didn’t have faith in your ability to fight off a fucking spider…” Asmo paces back and forth, pointing his finger at me to exaggerate his accusations. “And for what it’s worth, I told you I wasn’t your prince.”
“So you truly are powerless? Then why didn’t my spell work? I used your blood. My hand should’ve burned the moment you came near, but it didn’t. Regardless of the magic, I would’ve recognized that.”
“The spell is no longer active, and I’m not entirely without. The king can limit how much power I can store and how fast it replenishes. I might as well have nothing. It’s how he keeps people from overthrowing him. And right now, I’d rather not waste anything I don’t have to. You never know what’s going to come out of the woods.”
“You could’ve let me die. That’s twice now you’ve saved me. I remember your voice. You carried me out of that ravine. I want to know why.”
“A simple thank you would suffice.” He stops his pacing, propping his hands on his hips.
“I’m sorry. I don’t suck up to assholes. I’m not a bottom feeder.”
His lips twitch and he bites his lower one to hide his amusement. “You’re something else, you know that?”
“Are you going to tell me why you’re here?”
“Well, this is my home. Where else would I be? Certainly not living the lavish life in a castle.”
I growl low in my throat before spinning around the tree and continuing into the woods. Now that I can see, my life just got a shit ton easier.
The leaves rustling gives him away as he falls into step on my right. “Fine,” he seethes. “I considered your offer. If you truly think you can help me get this band off, I’ll help you.”
I stop, turning toward him, my fingers sparking at my sides. “Why should I trust a single word you say? You’ve already lied to me once.”
His head drops forward as his chest deflates. “Yes, but my intentions were different then. Your friend is to be executed tomorrow. It’s been about a week since our last conversation. Do the spell you did last time to verify and you’ll see. The king has a beast he feeds prisoners to, and your boy is about to be its next meal. Then he’ll be rallying the troops and knocking on the Devil’s door. Shifty move in my book, sending someone else in the prince’s stead. All it did was enrage him more.”
“You still haven’t said why you’ve switched sides.”
“Isn’t it obvious? Come on, little mouse. I thought you were smarter than that. Then again, you did travel high through the woods after dark. Maybe I gave you more credit than I should’ve.” He swats the idea away with his hand. “Any matter, the king is shifty, and I have the suspicion he’ll go back on his word to let me have my freedom.”
“Thanks, but no thanks. I’m not some damsel in distress and I certainly don’t need some forgotten prince to steer the way. I know where I’m going–What are you doing?” Asmo is bent over by a nearby tree, plucking a yellow flower. He closes the space between us, quickly placing it on the ground near my feet before taking a few steps back.
“Well, go on then. Pick it up. It’s the only show of affection you’ll ever get from me.”
“It’s a flower.”
He scoffs. “So she does have eyes. I thought maybe they were fake. I’ve been following you since you threatened to take my only good one, and you didn’t notice. Sort of like you didn’t notice the ten-foot tall beast.”
“What is this? A trap?”