Page 4 of The Crimson Queen
Leaning into the entrance of the throne room, I find it empty. The maid quarters? Same result, different room. Teleporting into the guest hall, I listen, sensing through the eerie quiet for someone besides myself. Surely Alice didn’t remove them all at my request… She altered her spellwork to allow me to teleport things in. Right?
An unsettling tingle works over my flesh at the thought of truly being alone here, and I rush through the hall, knocking on doors until finally, someone answers. Lord Brigsby.
“May I help you, sir?” He raises his eyebrows, and it’s then that I notice his robes.
“Sorry to wake you, but you wouldn’t happen to know where the rest of the lords and castle staff are, would you?” I try to look everywhere but at him as I speak, hating that I’ve lowered myself to embarrassment in the name of answers.
“I’m afraid not, but some of the men were talking about a poker tournament in the meeting hall. I suppose you should try there if you haven’t already.” He pulls his robe tighter, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Yes… I’ll do that.” I nod my head and fold my arms behind my back, realizing I’m not even wearing a shirt. How professional of me.
The man shuts the door, eyeing me through the crevice until it clicks closed. Snapping my fingers, I don casual clothes–leather riding pants and a loose fitting black long sleeve shirt that laces slightly over my chest. The least I can do is not make myself look unfit to be a prince, let alone a king. It’s one thing when the lords are gone to wear more‘Earthly’clothes… Alice seems to like it. Maybe that’s because it’s familiar to her.
Rounding the corner to the meeting hall, I peek inside the large wooden double doors, finding a crowd of servants and lords and ladies playing various games along the long stretch of table. Most, if not all, seem to be enjoying the festivities, and that alone lets my heart settle.
Breathing out a sigh of relief, I lean against the wall, trying to figure out my next move. Do I truly let Alice try, or do I put the castle back myself with the Grim Reaper’s blade? There’s no doubt that my father will know I’m making my move to overthrow him. I literally told him that was my plan, so he’ll suspect my challenge upon arriving back in Hell Hold. I can’t say for certain that I’m ready to face that, yet.
It would be nice to get the lords on my side beforehand, but how can I do that when they all know Alice was responsible for trapping them here? That my future wife shoved them into a prison world–a woman they were already skeptical about in the first place?
The answer is obvious and Alice already served it up on a silver platter. She was right about that, even if I don’t want to admit it. If what she saw is true, and my father is guilty of doing unjust things, then her memories would fix all of this. They’ll forgive Alice for locking them in here, because they’ll see her truth, and they’ll support someone replacing the man they love because it’ll be what’s good for the seven realms.
Pinching the bridge of my nose, I sigh, letting the air empty from my lungs until there’s nothing left to give. That settles it. I’ll give her the time she wants, and I’ll leave the prison alone… and I’ll visit my mother’s body, all while praying that she’s right about what she saw. Going along with Alice’s plan doesn’t mean I have to forgive her, but I can at least see her out.
Popping down to the basement floor, I stand before my father’s bedroom door. Here goes nothing… With a shaky hand, I twist the knob and slip inside, letting the peace and quiet surround me. The only sound is that of my heartbeat, echoing in my ears as I cross the vast room, nearing the glass coffin.
My mother is inside, her blonde hair framing her alabaster skin. The purple satin fabric of her dress… I remember it well. It was her favorite. She always claimed it made her feel like royalty, and my father would have to remind her that she was. I suppose she and Alice have that in common. No matter how many times they’re reminded of the crown that carries their familial name, they never want to admit it. They’ll deny the privilege with their dying breath.
Settling my hands on the glass, I take in her image, shocked that she still appears as if she died minutes ago, rather than years. Fluttering my eyes closed, I focus my mind until my vision turns a pure white, forming into memories… pieces of our past. A cold waft of air hits the wet streaks left behind from tears that have slipped free as I see myself growing up through her eyes, and part of me wishes I could stay here in this bliss… To forever see things they way she did, with such love and affection…
It makes me understand why my father keeps her here, where he can relive it again and again, as if he’s experiencing their love for the first time. Diving deeper, I give myself over to the power, and look for the pieces I’ve turned a blind eye to. Those of which will help me win the coming fight… That will crown me king.
My fingers tap on the wood, making up the long meeting table. I didn’t ask the lords to meet me for another ten minutes, but something told me I’d need the time to acclimate… to process.
Alice had been right. My father did force my mother into having me. I just wish I knew why she feared him. Had it always been that way? Did she ever want to marry him? My insides twisted into knots as I searched her memories until I couldn’t stomach it anymore. I’d seen enough.
The problem is, everything I just experienced is entirely contrary to the parents I grew up with. So, something had to have changed their dynamic. My father has always been rough around the edges, and always ten steps ahead, but the one person I am certain he loved and cared for is my mother, Persephone. He always looked at her with suchaffection.
She spellbound Asmodeus just to keep my father from going to war with Heaven… Was that because of a vision? Did she see him die or lose? Had he forced her to have Asmodeus too? What is retaliation? It’s hard to say. Head diving allows you to view the things they’ve experienced, and hear them speak, but it doesn’t make you privy to the thoughts rolling through the person’s head.
Regardless, it doesn’t explain or even clue me into what my father is feeling. I’ve seen him day after day, weighed down by his grief. Maybe it was guilt… There’s no denying that he’s partly responsible for her death. He left her alone, left her vulnerable, even if she knew better than to scry without protection. She might as well have handed her soul over… Unless that’s what she wanted.
Is it possible she made a deal with Michael? Crown secrets in exchange for taking her soul to Heaven. She had just lost her son–making it twice, that she experienced the loss of a child–maybe she just wanted it to stop. Maybe she feared my father would force her to have another child. My hand cups over my mouth as I zone out on one of the knots on the wooden surface.
By the gods…She knew better. She knew her soul would be unguarded and my mother was the most cautious person I’d ever met. I’ve always wondered why she would look into the future when she always advised me against it. For witches, like Alice, they can and live to tell the tale if they don’t exist in that time. Things will just be blank, and they’ll get random glimpses, like premonitions, or they’ll simply see nothing.
However, for beings like me and my mother, we physically teleport our mind into our future versions of ourselves, or our body into that time. It’s the same power that allows me to open portals, where most angels can only teleport. It’s also the same power that allows me to put thoughts in other’s head.
It leads me to believe that Persephone wasn’t attacked. Her soul wasn’t taken, like I’ve believed until now. She gave it to Michael, but why? Sure, she’d just lost her son–aka me–but she’d experienced that loss before and didn’t break. It makes complete sense after witnessing the night Asmo blew up the castle, that she’d be worried my father would force her to give him another child, but there’s more to it than that… Maybe Michael offered her peace, a spot in Heaven if she traded secrets? There’s no way to tell what she traded, if so, but that will have to remain speculation since that spot in her memory is blank… Erased by Michael, surely.
In one day, I’ve learned my mother was a traitor to the very crown I wear, and my father was–is–-a monster who’s always been out for himself and what he wants.
As it turns out, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I called Alice a liar, in different words, but under the same premise. I told her she was wrong, but now I’ve witnessed it with my own eyes and she was right. I should’ve had faith… Yet, a part of me still can’t, and fears she’s in over her head, waist deep in a realm full of monstrous creatures who’d love to use her. And should she be captured by the High King, there’s more at risk than her dying–even though that’s what scares me the most. It could lead to all of Hell falling into his cruel, unrelenting hands because I’d trade it all in an effort to save her.
And I know I shouldn’t… That by handing over the crown, I’d be dooming hundreds and thousands of people and I’d have to carry that on my conscience, but I would, and I can’t entertain the possibility of that happening.