Page 1 of Shamelessly Loyal
Ichecked my watch as the car pulled into the transit station. It was my first time going to this one, but I had a map and I’d done my research. I also already had my tickets and the pass required by the company for an unaccompanied minor. It was amazing how easy that was to book. My grandfather’s assistant was more than happy to acquire permission for me and arrange transportation. Chances were unless Grandfather asked her directly, she wouldn’t mention it because she was used to handling things for me because Mother never did.
The experience would be educational, after all. Fifteen minutes later, I waited patiently with my suitcase to be shown to my compartment on the sleeper car. It would take us about eighteen to twenty hours to get in, and booking the overnight gave me more time. The school would take a couple of days to notice my absence.
They would wait at least twenty-four to thirty-six hours after that before they notified Mother. Depending on her mood, it could be a week before she took any action. I would be backlongbefore then. I was more than capable of handling the trip.
As it was, more than one adult had peered at me curiously. If they stared for too long, I would look across the area to find someone farther away and flash a smile before I started toward them. Inevitably, it worked, distracted adults seemed to think that as long as Iappearedto be with another adult, it was fine and they could ignore me.
It didn’t matter. I would be locked into my sleeper compartment soon. I’d brought books, a snack, and my phone. All I wanted to do was arrive in time to celebrate my best friend’s birthday. I couldn’twaitto surprise her. She had a very brief hiatus and this was an impulsive call on my part.
Either way, I was so excited. I barely slept all night but I finished two books and I finally managed a nap after the sun came up and woke when the porter knocked just a half hour before the station. My car and driver were waiting for me.
I loved tourist cities. It made impulsive planning that much easier. As soon as I got to the hotel, I informed the desk I was there to check into my room but my roommate was probably already there and I had no idea if the room was in my name or hers.
The desk clerk gave me a steady look until I identified my best friend by her “incognito” name. Emersyn Sharpe would earn too much attention and not the least of which because she was a performer. No, better to keep the details private. Yes, my best friend had checked inandhad the extra key.
I’d caught a reflection of the room number on the desk clerk’s glasses and made a show of checking my phone when the clerk said she needed to call up because my namewasn’ton the room. No, that would definitelynotdo. I wanted to surprise Em.
Surprising her was the whole point of this trip.
“Oh, she just texted me.” I added her room number with a grin. “Thank you! Sorry to have bothered you.”
“Not at all,” she assured me, relief filling her eyes. “You want to use those elevators over there…”
I gave her a little wave as I took the elevator up and then followed the signs to Em’s room. All of my decorum fled when I knocked on her door.
“What the—” The words sounded from the other side of the door and my smile grew as the locks tumbled free and then Em was there. “Lainey!”
Real joy ripped through me at her shock and happiness. Nothing artificial ever existed between me and Em. Nothing. She was—she was my best friend for a reason. Her hug enveloped me and I held her as tightly as I could.
“What are you doing here?” The demand made me laugh as Em dragged me inside. This—her simple happiness at seeing me—was why I’d come all this way. But it wasn’t theonlyreason. I wanted toseeher. In my world, everyone wanted something. Every relationship was transactional and required an understanding of what they wanted versus what I was willing to give up.
It was just different. Different, and precious and absolutely mine. I wouldn’t share her with anyone. If that meant I was in deep shit when I got back, fine.
Worth it.
It was her birthday and I only had a short window of time that let me be herewithher. So we were going to take every advantage. Here, I wasn’t Elaine Benedict and she wasn’t Emersyn Sharpe. We could be whoever we wanted to be and I wanted to be with my best friend and having fun.
I wanted to be—us.
We got changed and went downstairs. I had my travel card, so I sprang for tickets to the park including the party that they were having that night. “No rules,” I reminded Em when she’d given me that wide-eyed look. The elegance of the cages around us had never been lost on me.
Whether we entered them voluntarily or not, we always returned to them. We would again, unfortunately, but later.
Much later.
The hours flew by as we shopped, got on rides—sometimes two and three times in a row, ate terrible for us food, and watched shows. We even got play costumes so we could trick or treat. Villains, not princesses. The parades though, they were the best. After the fireworks, we finally headed back to the hotel.
I was tired. Em was tired. It had been an amazing day. No sooner did we leave the bus and head toward the hotel entrance than a pair of my worst nightmares appeared.
Really?Now? They couldn’t have waited another day?