Page 27 of Forever By Morning
“No, that’s not what I mean. One of the classiest women I know came from nothing. And Aunt Laverne would have my head if I offended you. While I am a little rough around the edges as you say, I make sure my partner knows she’s wanted when she’s in my bed. Or on a quilt.” I maneuvered her until she straddled me. I made sure to tuck her tight against my still very hard cock. “Or against a rock, or against a wall, a car, on a counter. It doesn’t fucking matter where, you’ll know I want you and it’s not just to get off.”
She gripped my shoulders and the tips of her breasts stood tight and proud against her shirt. A light breeze came up, blowing tendrils of golden hair around her face from her frayed braid. Her eyes were still blown out from my tongue and fingers.
I hadn’t meant to say so much, but it chapped my ass that she didn’t know what it felt like to be desired.
“I want all of the above.”
I gripped her hips. “And you’ll get it. Come home with me and I’ll show you all you can handle.”
I found myself on Beckett’s horse for the third time today. I wasn’t so sure he was saving me this time, and I wasn’t at all upset about it.
There was quiet between us. As if words were too precarious in this moment. The air was stirring, and I couldn’t say why I smelled rain. The clouds were still puffy cotton balls on a stretch of impossible blue above the canopy of pines and oaks by the watering hole. I swore we rode through another type of apple trees. Just how many variations could one orchard grow? They were heavy with fruit in varying sizes as well as colors. Yellows, greens, and a fascinating blend of red striping through others still. Some were squat and fat, others taller and more robust. It all smelled…green. Not quite like the earthy fruit I was used to. As if they weren’t quite ready to show off their true beauty.
Underneath it all, there seemed to be a heaviness to the air.
Maybe it was just the uncertainty pushing down on me. Had I really demanded Beckett to show me all the facets of how he wanted me?
That was very unlike me.
I didn’t demand anything of anyone—period.
Maybe it was the orgasm talking. I still felt a little drunk from it. I definitely hadn’t imbibed enough of the wine to use that as an excuse.
I was dragged back into the moment as he veered onto still yet another path—the orchard seemed to be a maze of them. From stately old trees, to more spindly and craggy types, we blazed by them as Beckett gave Storm his lead. The press of his thighs seemed to be the only conversation needed between him and the strong working horse.
Each time he pressed his thighs into Storm, the firmness of his muscles rippled under me. I was sitting in the front of the saddle again and I’d never been so cognizant of my body and the rhythm of riding before in my life. It had been many years since I’d been on a horse, but nothing—not even a harmless crush on the trainer who introduced me to horses in my teen years—could compare to the exhilaration of riding with Beckett Manning.
Every part of him was so…solid.
And intense.
I couldn’t forget the intense part.
His arm slid tighter around my waist as we turned onto another path. His thumb traced lightly along my ribs, just below my breast. “Not far now.” His lips brushed my ear and it was like he had a direct line to my nipples.
I was almost embarrassed about how taut they were. Literally like headlights. I’d never gone braless in my life. Even my bathing suits had built-in bras in them. And here I was wearing borrowed clothes and sans underwear of any kind.
This man, who I barely knew, had somehow changed my life in the span of a handful of hours. Showing me kindness had been more than generous. He hadn’t stopped there. Instead, he’d pushed me to embrace a little fun instead of crying over another embarrassment to add to my collection.
The only crying I was doing with Beckett Manning was of the visceral and carnal kind.
Which was also a revelation.
“Do you always think so loud?”
I laughed. “I’m not sure anyone has accused me of being loud in any way.”
“My missing hank of hair, heel mark in my shoulder, and my name used as an exclamation mark thirty minutes ago says otherwise.”
I elbowed him and he laughed.
“If you’ve changed your mind—”