Page 32 of Forever By Morning
She was going to be a storm. I knew that as plainly as I knew when the trees were ready for harvest. The real question was would I be standing by the end of it?
I stood in the doorway of the balcony and lightning bloomed behind her. The jagged trail of it branched out behind her like wings and ozone burned the air. The crack of thunder followed quickly and she jumped, rushing toward me as the skies opened up and the wind doused her with rain.
She laughed at her own reaction. Her hair was plastered to her neck and that tissue paper-thin shirt stuck to her shoulders and her magnificent breasts.
She was slight and fragile in ways that made me feel inept. But I still moved forward to catch her close.
She tipped her chin up as rain dotted her cheeks and starred her eyelashes. “You got here just in time.”
I cupped her face in my rough hand and swiped the gathered droplets off her cheek. “Remember how I said I wasn’t sure I could be gentle?”
Her smile faded, leaving molten gold behind. “I do.”
All my muscles were tight and my chest ached. “You deserve gentleness.”
“All I want is you.” She went onto her toes. “The real you. I’m tired of everyone being gentle with me. Show me how much you want me. No boundaries, remember?” She laid a hand on my chest. “Show me.”
I caught her hand and lifted it to my mouth. I scraped my teeth over the fleshy part of her palm before pressing it to my cheek. “I don’t have much choice. I want you far too much.”
The air was oppressive and thick. I tugged her farther into the dryness of my bedroom and would’ve closed the door but she shook her head. “Don’t close out the storm. I want to hear it while you--while we’re together.”
Make love to her?
It wouldn’t be anything so sweet. I was glad to see the knowledge in her eyes. Because there was only one way this was going to go the first time. I just hoped I had enough control to make it as good for her as possible.
And if not, I’d make it up to her. Because we had all damn night.
She stood in the middle of my living area, the stone gray sky and lightning our only light. She deserved candles or at the very least firelight and maybe I’d manage to give her that a little later. It was still technically daylight, even if the storm had eclipsed the sun.
Rain slashed at the windows and the skylights, though I barely heard it over the pounding of my own heart. Her cool hand drifted down my jaw to my neck and to my shirt. With shaking fingers, she slipped the first few buttons free.
I covered her hand then stepped back so I could crouch before her. I untied her boots and slipped her foot free from one then the other, followed by the comically thick socks under her jeans. Her feet were just as elegant as the rest of her, her dark toenails showing off a little of the spice she hid from the world.
I hoped to draw out more of that during our time together.
She slipped her fingers in my hair, drawing my gaze back up to her. God, those golden eyes were going to end me.
“Undo your hair.” My voice was hoarse as I stood.
Her fingers went to her braid, slowly unwinding the strands as I stood. Shaking it out over her shoulders until the heavy silk swung down her back, gossamer fine and wavy from the braid.
I reached behind her neck to gather it into a tail for one long, slow stroke before I wound it around my palm, drawing her head back. I dragged my bearded chin down her neck, following the faint blue vein down to her fluttering pulse. I wrapped my lips around the skin there and swirled my tongue along the thrumming pulsepoint.
She drew in a shaky breath as I held her there and nibbled my way back up to the spot behind her ear. I’d already learned a few secrets on the picnic blanket, as well as in the doorway to my parents’ bathroom. Her lilac scent was strongest there and she gasped as I sucked strongly enough to leave a small mark.
Knowing a tiny part of me would be left behind when she was gone stabilized some of the growing tension inside of me.
I released her hair to strip off her shirt.
I watched her face as I lightly tugged at the rigid tips of her breasts. Her mouth parted and her eyelids grew heavy, but her focus never wavered. Even when I palmed her with my rough hands and left a faint trail of abrasion on her water soft skin, she was still locked on me. Her breath fluttered out on a broken sigh.
Her soft, worn jeans were next. They were just loose enough to slip to the floor with little help.
The storm was right above us, flashes of lightning and shuddering thunder chasing each other until I couldn’t tell which started and ended. It lit her face and body, showing every gentle curve and line of her in stark relief.
She threw her shoulders back and the passion in her eyes nearly brought me to my knees.
I scooped her up, continually shocked at how small she was. She was so delicate, so refined, but in this moment, my rough, calloused hands and all that came with them were what she wanted. I couldn’t help being in awe that she trusted me with what she needed. I knew this wasn’t like her. For all intents and purposes, I was probably taking advantage.