Page 75 of Forever By Morning
“You break it you buy it,” Kira called out.
Beckett rolled off Kain onto his knees. He used the felled chair to get up and shoved the chair at Kain who blocked it with his forearm.
“Playing dirty, son?” Kain swiped his forearm across his mouth and popped up off the ground, staggeringly agile for a man his size.
“Forty on Kain,” the short-haired woman said.
“Oh, up the ante.” Lennon couldn’t conceal her glee.
“Are you all insane?” I sputtered.
Kira looked over her shoulder. “Where’s Ronan?”
The third woman waved at me. “I’m Annette. He left. Said he needed to go pick up yeast from Syracuse.”
Kira sighed. “At least I won’t have to patch my idiot up. He totally would wade into this.” She crossed her arms and leaned on the railing. “So I guess you did more than get a ride on Beck’s horse, huh?”
My face flamed.
Lennon’s jaw dropped. “Oh, you’re the girl from the wedding. Sweet. I bet he’s good in the sack, right? I mean, it’s always the quiet ones.”
I flinched as the two men grappled. Kain’s chef’s jacket was wrenched back, and his arms got stuck, leaving Beckett with the opening for a one-two punch to Kain’s midsection.
“They’re going to kill each other.”
“Nah.” Kira dragged in a quick breath. “Probably going to hurt like hell later though. Guess we’ll be breaking out the frozen peas.”
The three women all collectivelyoohed as Kain whipped off his jacket and grabbed Beckett by the shirtfront and lifted him off his toes.
“Raise it to sixty on Kain,” Lennon said.
“I’m in.” Annette pulled a crumpled bill out of her pocket.
“I need to go stop this.” I started forward and Kira caught me by my ponytail.
“Nope. You’ll just get hurt. They need to get it out of their systems.”
“It’s uncivilized.”
Lennon snorted. “Sometimes they just need to beat the crap out of each other. So did you sleep with both of them?” She held her hand out for a fist bump. “Guess that quiet one thing applies to you too.”
“God, no, not both—“ What was I saying?Just shut up.
Lennon whistled. “But youdidsleep with Beckett? I’m assuming.” Her perfectly arched black brows rose. “Or did you sleep with the big guy?”
“No. Kain and I are just friends.”
“You actually know Kain? Like for real know?” Kira studied me. “Interesting.”
I was wading into dangerous waters here. I didn’t want to own up to exactly how I knew Kain. But the look in Kira’s eyes was thoughtful. Didsheknow who Kain was?
She had to. Now that I could put faces with names I’d heard over the last few years, some things made more sense. “You’re with Ronan, right?”
Kira nodded. “Gonna marry the idiot.” She hissed as the guys plowed over one of the fire pits and scattered stones everywhere. “Speaking of idiots, I’m making them put this all back together after. I don’t care how many bandages they need.”
“How long are they going to keep this up?” My shoulders were up near my ears and my heart raced at how they continued to hammer at each other.
The punches were losing steam, but neither of them seemed to be willing to surrender to the other.