Page 82 of Forever By Morning
“Oh, shit. Nope. No tears. I don’t do tears.” She moved forward and patted my arm awkwardly. “I can go.”
My shoulders shook as I suppressed the maniacal laughter climbing up my throat.
“Oh, hell. Wait. Let me get Annette. She’s better at this stuff.”
Kira barely got to the door when the laugh escaped, echoing in the empty room.
I bent at the waist and couldn’t stop it. I was afraid it was going to roll into tears. I’d gone from a morning orgasm to what I thought was a grown-up goodbye, and now I was being accused of playing with a man’s emotions.
Two men’s emotions. I hadn’t even realized Kain had any. Not toward me in any case.
Thank God. I had enough problems.
“Are you laughing?”
“No,” I said with a gasp.
Kira hopped up on the sink and folded her hands between her knees. “I recognize the crazy. Take a deep breath.”
“I can’t.” It backed up in my lungs and got stuck as I collapsed onto my butt on the floor. “What was I thinking?”
“Maybe you weren’t thinking. Orgasms tend to make us just as stupid as males.”
“God, if that isn’t the truth.” I linked my arms around my legs and pressed my forehead to my knees. “I’ve never hadonelike that.” I tamped down the giggle. “Let alone half a dozen.”
“Dear God. Please don’t give me the details. That’s my best friend you’re talking about.”
I peered up at her. “You never thought about it?”
“Did you with Kain?” she shot back.
I sighed. “For a half a second. He’s stupidly attractive and flirts outrageously.” I propped my chin on my knees. “You and Beckett?”
I didn’t really want to know, but I needed to.
“When I was in high school, I was dazzled. Football player, drove a motorcycle, dangerous and yet sweet at the same time. Then I started working at the orchard and we never clicked that way. Then I didn’t want to ruin the friendship, so it kinda became a moot point.” She wiggled the fingers on her left hand. “Meeting Viking showed me why it was never meant to be with Beckett.”
“But you thought about it?”
She blew out a breath. “Not seriously. Not after I got out of my teens. And Beckett never looked at me like that. Not like he looks at you.” She swung her legs. “I don’t think he’s ever looked at a woman like he looks at you. You should see that video of him putting you on the back of Storm.”
“There’s video?” I covered my face.
My mother wasn’t exactly the sort to go on social media, but her friends were. And Clay and Rachel’s wedding might’ve been small, but plenty of people from Clay’s company had attended. Which meant people who overlapped with my circle of acquaintances.
Now I really didn’t want to check my text and voice messages.
“It was pretty impressive. Romantic even.” She dug her phone out of her pocket and sucked air between her teeth. “Very romantic, evidently. Over one hundred thousand views.”
“Oh, God.” I drew my legs in tighter and hid my face.
“What? It’s pretty awesome. Want to see?”
“No.” I shut my eyes tighter. “Yes.”
She laughed. “Here.”
I looked up just in time for her phone to come flying at me. By some miracle, I caught it and turned it around to look. My gaze went right to the views and shares and my stomach dropped. So, so many views and reshares.