Page 90 of Forever By Morning
“I want to go dance with the bride.” Cara snickered and lifted her staff shirt to show off her stomach.
Quickly, I looked away since Cara was barely twenty-two.
Helena was mouthing the words to the old Britney hit. Her ball cap from earlier was gone and her ponytail had been replaced with two intricate braids.
She watched Cara flip the bottom of her shirt into her bra to make it a crop top and tried to do the same. The shirt was too big on her and ended up slipping off her shoulder, showing off a bright pink strap that made my mouth water.
Fool, stop staring at her while she’s as drunk as a coed during Rush week.
She suddenly chased after the bachelorette party and picked up one of the discarded boas. The girls were too far in on their version of choreography to notice a missing piece of the fun.
One of the girls stopped and accepted the boa. She put a white pair of sparkly glasses on Helena’s face as a thank you, then twirled her around until she laughed.
“Everyone is Britney today!” The drunk girl flung the boa around Helena’s neck. “Shots!”
Aunt Laverne waded into the fray. “Okay, girls! I think we’ve had enough shots.”
“Boo.” The bride, whose name was Britney, of course, waved her white boa and pointed to her sash. “I’m Britney, Bitch!”
I moved to help, but Aunt Laverne waved me off. “Well, I’m your Fairy Godmother. Time for water and Tylenol before your mom comes down here.”
The bride’s eyes went big. “Shhh. Noo, no. We don’t want that. We’ll be quiet.”
Helena had her arms around the other partygoer. They were cheek to cheek with matching sunglasses. “My mom sucks too. But that’s okay. I’ll send you guys a snack board on me!”
“Snacks! Yes!”
I rolled my eyes at the swift tide of change from booze to snacks.
“Only if you come with us.” Said the girl in hot pink with an armful of my woman.
“Aww, that’s so sweet.” Helena’s face got fuzzy with happiness. “I’d love to, but I think I have to go fall down now. I had many, many, many Teassher Pets.”
“Oh, what’s that? Does it come with a stripper?”
Helena snickered. “No.” She spotted me. “He looks good with his shirt off though. Bet we could get him to strip. What do you say, Stallion?”
Sin Lines & Wishful Drinking
Dear God.
The pack of them turned toward me, the one in front licking her lips like I was going to be the snack instead. I backed up a step, holding up my hands. “Ladies, you don’t want to see all of this. Trust me.”
Helena blew raspberries. “He’s even got those sin line things.” She looked down at herself and pushed the shirt out of the way to make the little lines on either side of her stomach. “You know the lines, right?”
“Ohh.” Two of the women squinted down at her then grinned. The hot pink girl shot a look over her shoulder at me. “Oh, yeah. Those are the fuck me lines.”
“Okay!” Aunt Laverne clapped, and Kira jumped into action.
“Let’s get you guys upstairs.” Kira shot me a—you’re not helpinglook—then herded the drunk party toward the stairs. “How about a conga line! We can do that, right?”
“Yes!” The bride ran by Kira to the front and shook her butt. “Line up, girls.”
It was a comedy of errors, but within three minutes, there was a cha-cha line of drunk bridesmaids and friends making their way up the stairs.