Page 29 of Twisted Embrace
“You need to take that elsewhere, gentlemen, or you will be asked to leave.”
The woman had a stern voice, one indicating she was used to handling scuffles in the corridors. I backed away, raking my hand through my hair. “We’re fucking fine,” I told her, never taking my eyes off D’Artagnan.
He took a deep breath, the intensity of his sorrow easy to recognize.
“Come on, boss,” Anthony said quietly.
“We’re fine,” D’Artagnan added. “I need to know the prognosis on my wife. Then I need to see her. Period.”
The woman glanced from one to the other of us then shook her head. “Come with me. But your wife cannot handle any disturbances. Do you understand?”
“Fine.” Dar tossed another heated look in my direction before walking off with her.
Anthony moved in front of me, lifting a single eyebrow. “You done yet, boss?”
“Fuck you.” Goddamn this shit.
“Why don’t you sit down. Have a cup of coffee.”
“Are you handling me again, Anthony?”
He chuckled. “You don’t have anyone to take care of you at this point in your life. Or do you?”
My anger was that of a rabid dog. “Let it go.”
His continued grin should piss me off, but he was one of the few men who could handle my mood swings. “Are there any additional updates?”
“I wish I could answer in the affirmative, but the streets are quiet. That is disturbing as fuck.”
“We start again in the morning. With D’Artagnan’s men here, they can take over watch.”
“What are you doing with Ms. Levin?”
I shoved my hands into my pockets, still debating engaging in a scenario that would work. “I’m going to take her to a hotel in Jersey.”
“Jersey?” Anthony laughed.
“They know we’re from out of town. They’ll start searching in New York first.”
“Gotcha. Federico and I will stay with you tonight.”
“Fine. Just make certain you get some sleep.”
He laughed. “Who needs sleep?”
“Do something else for me. Send one of the men to her parents’ house in Jersey in the morning. I need DNA from both.”
“Any way you want me to get it?” His grin was laced with evil.
“Gentle. We don’t need any additional shit. They could need protection so plan an exit strategy.”
“What if they won’t allow the tests?”
I loosened my tie, already feeling a hint of suffocation. “Then you have the issue explained to them carefully, along with the request for their silence.”
“I’ll see what I can do.”
While it was obvious Igor’s body had been found, there should be enough blood to run a DNA test as well. “Have the soldiers stop by the warehouse where we met with Igor. Scrape some blood off the floor.”