Page 36 of Twisted Embrace
Enzo lunged toward me, yanking my arm and dragging me behind him as he fired out another round indiscriminately. The SUV screeched to a stop, his soldiers rushing out, immediately heading for the enemy car.
When it was apparent there were no others, an eerie silence claiming the night air, Enzo twisted around, shaking me. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you know how close you came to getting killed? I told you to stay in that goddamn car. That’s all you needed to do.”
“I’m sorry.” I shook violently in his hold, gasping for air as tears formed once again. Both my knees and my palms were skinned, yet the ache wasn’t as pronounced as the searing pain in my heart. Someone wanted me dead. Dead!
“You should be. If you fucking move from this spot, I’ll shackle you inside the vehicle. Do you understand me at all?”
God, I hated the man. So much so at least a dozen nasty retorts had formed in my mind, but I managed to control my anger. When I nodded, his upper lip curled into a snarl.
Hissing, he shook me again then let me go, immediately heading toward one of the fallen men. “Check the goddamn car for any identification, anything that will confirm this is the motherfucking Russians. Including their bodies.”
“What do you want me to do with them, boss?” Anthony asked.
“Toss them inside. Drive it to a private location and torch everything.” Enzo threw up his hands.
“You got it, boss. How the fuck did they find us?”
“That’s what I want to know.” Enzo returned to the car, grabbing something from the glove compartment. When he crouched onto the ground, sweeping it underneath then moving all the way around, sliding whatever it was under the bumpers, I realized he was looking for a bomb or a way to track us. He tossed it in the other soldier’s direction. “Sweep the SUV, Federico. We need to make certain.”
The man walked out without saying anything.
“Now what?” Anthony asked.
Enzo tipped his head in my direction. “Tracking systems can be small objects, only a few centimeters in diameter.”
“Don’t you dare look at me. Don’t you dare.” I backed away, ready to launch into him. How could he think I’d do this? How? Damn the man. I refused to become hysterical. I was used to being in control, able to handle any obstacle tossed my way. Nothing up to this point had derailed my plans and this fucking asshole certainly wasn’t going to do it.
He closed the distance, studying me. No, he was dissecting me. “I think you know what would happen, Joy, if I did find you were responsible. However, it’s entirely possible the Russians broke into your apartment.”
“That’s crazy,” I snapped. “I’d know. I do live in New York, for fuck’s sake. I check. I own weapons.”
Enzo exhaled. “You have no understanding of the kind of people they are or the lengths they’ll go to get what they want.”
Anthony snorted. “That’s possible, boss. If they knew who she was, they waited for the opportunity to get what they wanted. Maybe they even planted a listening device.”
The way Enzo glared at him was frightening. “We’ll find out one way or the other.”
“I’m right here, assholes,” I muttered.
Was it possible? How would they do that? I tried to back away, but he grabbed my wrist, dragging me closer. “What are you doing?”
“I’m dumping your suitcase. I’ll buy you more clothes. We can’t risk them finding us again. They won’t miss next time.” He turned his attention to Anthony. “Take her suitcase and trash it too. I’ll let you know where we land as soon as I decide.”
“No! I need my things,” I insisted.
“Are you certain you don’t want us to handle this later?” Anthony answered.
“No. We’re still out in the open.”
I was shaking all over, unable to think clearly.
Enzo had the audacity to rub his thumb across my cheek. “Sweet jewel, I’ll buy you everything you need.”
I had no idea what to say. A cold chill wrapped around me. As Anthony followed his boss’s orders, dragging my case from the trunk, I took a decided step away from Enzo. “I hate you for all the things you are and those that you’ll never be.”
“That’s just fine, Joy. It’s in your best interest to do so. Get in the car.”
I couldn’t stop trembling, let alone move. When he realized I was swaying on my feet, he wrapped his arm around my waist, walking me toward the open passenger door. He eased me inside, lowering his head so he could stare into my eyes. “I’m sorry, Enzo. This isn’t my normal life.” I wasn’t entirely certain what I meant by that but it’s the only thing that came to my mind.