Page 38 of Twisted Embrace
I turned to face her, thinking about my answer. I’d ascertained we hadn’t been followed, choosing a hotel off the main road, the location where I’d parked the car unable to be seen from the street. However, that didn’t mean we were completely out of the woods. At this point, it was in my best interest to keep anyone from knowing where we were.
I unbuttoned my jacket, easing it from my shoulders and tossing it on the chair near the window. She studied me the entire time. I felt her eyes burning against my skin, her scent lingering in my nostrils. I loosened my tie then unbuttoned my cuffs, almost chuckling from the fact my cock was fully engorged and pressing against my zipper.
Only when I started to roll my sleeves over my elbows did I lift my head, returning the heated glare. She’d walked closer, enough so I noticed the trickle of blood on one knee from where she’d fallen.
In any other circumstances, I’d enjoy the banter and sexual tension long enough to get my fill. Everything had changed with D’Artagnan’s suggestion, which I’d finally determined was the best answer. She would be my wife, a woman who’d share my bed and my house. The devious side of me wondered how long it would be before she attempted to burn the house down.
And she would.
“We should be safe here for tonight, Joy. I made certain no one was following us.”
“No more tracking devices?”
“None that were detected.”
Her expression didn’t show any hint of relief. “They wanted to kill me.” She’d made the statement merely to outwardly confirm what she’d already known in her mind.
“Not immediately. They had a bag full of items to keep you bound and quiet while they transported you to whatever location they’d been ordered to take you to.”
At least now, her eyes opened wide. She needed to fully embrace how dangerous the situation had become.
“Then what?”
“Then, my sweet jewel, they’d use methods of interrogation that even a man such as myself wouldn’t consider.”
Joy dragged her tongue across her lips, her body swaying as it had done before. When I took a long stride in her direction, she threw out her hand, palm up.
“Stay away from me.”
“You’re injured, bleeding.”
“I can take care of myself. Okay?” When she glanced down at her scuffed hands, she lost her balance, tipping forward. I caught her before she fell forward, sliding my arm under her legs, lifting and cradling her against my chest. “Don’t.”
I headed to the bathroom, ignoring her weak plea. At least she didn’t struggle this time. After flicking on the light, I lowered her onto the counter, planting my hands on either side of her. “I don’t want your injuries to become infected. Stay right here. I will take care of them.” There was contempt in her eyes, but it seemed her exhaustion was fueling her quietness.
At least the cheaper hotel had a minibar. I grabbed a small bottle of vodka, returning to the bathroom. As I grabbed a washcloth, turning on the hot water, she peered down at me. Her breathing was ragged, her perfume driving me further into the need to feed my thirst.
I took a deep breath and lifted her leg, gently placing the warm cloth against her abrased skin. Surprised she didn’t flinch, I lifted my gaze.
“You’re very handsome.”
Snickering, I brushed away remnants of dirt, attempting to be as tender as possible. “You say that as if it’s a surprise.” Fortunately, the scrapes weren’t that deep.
“I noticed that the moment I walked into the restaurant. You could be a model.”
Very few people took me by surprise, most issuing what they hoped to be revolting statements regarding my person or behavior. She managed to catch me off guard. “That could never happen.”
“True. You’d kill the photographer if he barked at you.”
Even less often did I find anything to make me laugh. This vibrant, fiery woman who refused to accept my control managed to do that as well. “You know me better than almost anyone.”
“You might be shocked what I already know.”
I cleaned her knee, washing out the cloth, my thoughts filthier than before. Her nipples were hard, pressing against her sweater. All I could think about for a few seconds was how much I wanted to bite down on one of them. “Why don’t you amuse yourself and tell me.”
“I think I will. You had a hard father, your mother completely the opposite but sucked into a lifestyle she wanted no part of. Your childhood was filled with expensive toys, but you didn’t care for them, preferring to use the outdoors as your playground, imaginary friends more important than your family. As you grew, you disassociated yourself from everyone to ensure you never got hurt, including your sister who tried to shower you with love. Now, as an adult, you’ve retreated altogether from society, fearful that you’ll have to feel something. Anything. That’s not acceptable in your world.”
“Be careful what you say to me, Joy, or I’ll find a better use for your mouth.”