Page 79 of Twisted Embrace
I couldn’t help but laugh. “Is that what you think I do all day long, collect taxes?”
“I don’t know what you do, although that is part of the deal we made. Remember?”
“I doubt you’d allow me to forget. In addition to what I told you before, we have legitimate operations, Joy. Olive oil. Wine. Between the Lazarro and DeLuca families, there are millions of dollars in real estate, and the jewelry brokerage firm that Lucia still holds control over. We broker art as well.”
“What about the illegitimate ones? Those make you the most money. Yes?”
“Until twenty years ago. While some of our associates do pay for our protection, they aren’t extorted out of money. The reason tourism in Sicily is booming is because the Romano Syndicate had infused a billion dollars in capital in buildings needing renovation, even providing loans to foreigners to bring them to the area. We do the same thing. The members of the Five Families all contribute to tourism.”
“Hmmm,” she hummed, rubbing her index finger across her lips.
“In Italy, the syndicates aren’t feared as they are in the United States.”
“Fascinating,” she mused. “The Bratva are different.”
“Yes, they’re true animals. They would destroy the infrastructure within Italy and the protected way of life if they were allowed to gain control. The Five Families will not allow that to happen. I certainly won’t allow the bastards to take what belongs to me or my family.”
“What if they win?”
“They won’t.”
“You’re so certain,” she purred as she adjusted my tie, finally patting my shirt and giving a nod of approval.
“I am.”
“How and why?”
I thought about her question. “How is because I was trained by a man who accepted no less than perfection.”
“And the why?”
“Because I find myself having every reason to live a long and heathy life.” When I pulled the small jewelry box from my pocket, she gave me a funny look. I put my glass on the table, folding my hand around the smooth velvet.
“I don’t see you as the romantic type.”
“That won’t change.”
“Then what do you call this?”
Suddenly, I had no answer. I hadn’t planned on removing the other customers. I also hadn’t known for certain a member of the ruthless paparazzi would easily track us down. Now seemed the perfect time. If there was such a thing.
“I’ve done some terrible things in my life, Joy. That is no secret, even to you. You figured out what I was made of on the first day we met. I won’t feel guilty and there is no sense in harboring remorse. That doesn’t serve a purpose in my life or yours. What I will say is that from the day you exploded into my life, everything has changed. My needs. My wants. Where I was once certain of what my future held, including my own death, now I have no intentions of being reckless in either decisions or behavior. That’s because of you.”
“Love at first sight?” She inched closer, still teasing. For all her bravado, her ability to stand up to me and everyone else around her, she had no idea just how vulnerable she was or how fragile her life could be.
“I don’t know if I’m capable of love. I’m also not certain what it looks like. My parents weren’t very close.”
“That’s very sad. Love is blinding and catches you off guard. It’s the sun and moon and stars all wrapped up into one. It’s the perfect morning just after a snowfall, the quiet and beauty irreplaceable. It’s the way the sun drifts across ocean waters, creating a shimmer of light unlike anything you’ve ever seen.”
The way her face lit up was more enticing than I could imagine. “Sounds amazing.”
“It’s the best and the worst thing that can happen to you.”
“How so?”
“When you love someone, and if you do it with your entire heart, then you’re willing to do anything to make them happy, including risking everything you have. That’s the highest of highs possible. But when something happens to the person you care about, especially if there’s nothing you can do to take away the pain, then it’s the worst, most excruciating feeling in the world. At least that’s what my mother… my adopted mother told me.”
When she looked away, I lifted her chin with a single finger, forcing her to look me in the eyes. “She will always be your mother, Joy.”