Page 82 of Twisted Embrace
Who knew a man like Enzo was capable of such a rich, deep emotion? I studied my ring, enjoying the prisms created through the sunlight dancing into the room.
After a few minutes, I rose from the bed, grabbing my robe. After tying the sash, I headed toward the balcony, taking a deep breath. It truly was an exquisite setting. He’d shown me pictures of the house under construction, the dazzling three-story abode Mediterranean in design. Within weeks, it would be completed.
Then we’d move in. We. Husband and wife. Today was the day I was to pick out my wedding dress. The announcement of our upcoming union had gone out in every major newspaper online and in print, dozens of congratulations arriving from various powerful people within Italy and beyond.
That had heightened the danger factor, additional soldiers in place. They no longer bothered me as they had when I’d first arrived. They were as much a part of the landscaping as the beautiful greenery and shrubs.
The entire combined family was considered famous in the lovely country. I still couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact the Cosa Nostra weren’t feared as they were in America. I shuddered as I thought about him, longing to be in his arms again. So much had changed in less than two weeks, something I never thought possible.
After another few minutes had passed, I returned inside, heading for the bathroom. A nice, hot shower would be the perfect way to start the morning. After brushing my teeth, I started the water, glancing at my reflection in the mirror. I wasn’t certain I recognized myself any longer. This time, it was in a good way. The light had returned to my eyes, my skin glowing.
Who knew hot sex could do that do a woman?
I laughed as I hung up my robe, sliding into the shower. As I stood under the showerhead, I closed my eyes. I longed to talk to the woman who’d raised me, but I wasn’t certain what I’d say to her. Even if I had a million questions, did I really want to know the answers?
The hot water soothed my aching muscles, but I could still feel his rough touch, my pussy aching from the three times he’d taken me the night before. Even his scent lingered, the rich fragrance of testosterone clinging to my skin. A part of me didn’t want to wash it off, preferring to always have him with me.
A soft laugh bubbled to the surface, images of his naked body floating in the forefront of my mind. Every day seemed strangely magical, but we both had a sense of foreboding, the glass house ready to shatter at any moment. Sighing, I lifted my head, allowing the stream of water to trickle down the front of my body.
The sudden wash of chilly air sent a river of sensations all the way down to my toes. I kept my eyes closed, the anticipation of feeling the brush of his fingers clinging to me, the jolt of current heating my core.
“You started without me,” Enzo said in a deep, husky voice, the sound echoing in the dense space.
“I had no idea how long you’d be gone.”
“I told you to stay.” He rubbed all ten fingers down my back, drifting the tip of one along the crack of my ass. Then he issued a hard crack against my bottom, the loud sound filtering into my ears.
“Oh,” I muttered, dropping my head and blinking several times.
“You are such a disobedient little girl. Aren’t you?” He brought his hand down four times, moving from one side to the other. I was shocked how intense the pain became, as if the water was exponentiating the anguish.
Taking several breaths, I planted my hands on the tile wall, spreading my legs wide open as I knew he’d command me to do.
He wasn’t gentle in his actions, issuing one after the other until the force he used pushed me onto my toes. Somehow, I reveled in his discipline, needing his firm hand when at first I’d thought it was horrible. Now I craved the spankings, longing to become his good girl in all things. Still, my mind had difficulty processing how I could possibly enjoy being treated as if every infraction would result in a harsh round of punishment.
His hot breath cascaded down my neck and when he lowered his head, nipping my earlobe, I let off a series of moans. “What do I need to do to keep you obedient?”
“Mmm… Fuck me every day.”
“That I intend on doing.” He slipped his hand between my legs, using his thumb to tease my already swollen clit. “Several times, in fact.” He taunted me for a full minute before resuming the spanking, the clapping sound his hand made as it connected with my skin strangely beautiful.
As if this was meant to be.
He wasn’t gentle in his actions, refusing to give me love taps. He wanted me to know that whenever he issued a command, I was to follow. The sting shifted into raw pain, but bliss immediately followed. He knew exactly how to make me hot and wet all over.
Steam rose in the shower, the hot water intensifying the moment. I was breathless, unable to think clearly, but it didn’t matter. He was in full control.
Of my body.
Of my actions.
Of my heart.
Growling, he caressed my aching bottom then squeezed the sore flesh with both hands, resuming the round of discipline once again. “Such a greedy and very bad girl.”
“Yes, sir,” I said easily as flames ignited from deep inside, sweeping over my core in a firestorm. I shivered, the aftershock of vibrations more powerful than before. I was breathless, shaking all over but arching my back in another invitation.