Page 85 of Twisted Embrace
Someone in the family was about to die.
“How long will you be gone?” Joy asked as she returned to the bedroom. Just seeing her in a thick robe made me crave her all over again.
I buttoned my shirt, realizing the premonition she’d had kept her on the edge. I didn’t take them lightly, although at this point I could only provide but so much comfort. D’Artagnan and I were about to consider waging a battle that had no recourse. It had to be done.
“Late afternoon if all goes well.”
“And if it doesn’t?”
“Stop worrying, precious jewel. We’re taking a dozen soldiers with us.”
“To visit this Don Romano in Sicily.” The way she made the statement left a bitter taste in both of our mouths.
“If what Dar learned is true, the fucker made a deal with the Russians. He sold his soul and that of his country to the Volkovs.” Several sources had come forward, pointing their fingers at the aging Don, the evidence collected irrefutable.
Or at least so D’Artagnan seemed to believe. What I didn’t like were the continued unknowns. Why would Romano risk everything he’d built over the years?
There was a chance that we were all being played, which is why Dar and I were flying to Sicily to have a meeting with him. It was risky if the man had become a traitor to his country, the other members of the Five Families already put on notice in case something should go wrong. We were meeting him at a location of our choice, which he wouldn’t learn until we’d touched down.
That wouldn’t allow him a chance to develop a coup. The bastard knew what would happen if he dared attack us. The whole country would come down on him, destroying his entire empire.
Yet, her concern kept red flags in the back of my mind. We would need to careful.
If the information was wrong and Romano was a victim, then the other members of the Cosa Nostra had agreed it was time to combine forces. What neither Dar nor I wanted to see was the entire country involved, spilling unnecessary blood. Even I didn’t want to see innocent people getting killed.
“I don’t like this at all,” she said as she moved closer.
“There’s no other choice.”
She looked away, folding her arms. “It’s your world, your business, but you need to be careful.”
I grabbed my suit jacket, closing the distance. “Nothing will keep me from returning to you.”
While she nodded, I noticed her eyes were misted. “You’ll call me?”
Laughing, I touched her face. “And so, the marital bliss begins. While I own you, it would seem you already have a tether on my comings and goings.”
“Very funny.”
“I’m not joking. Somehow, I like it.”
At least my words brought a smile to her face. “I’ll miss you. I can’t believe I’m saying that.”
I shifted her robe, tweaking her nipple until she moaned. “I’ll make it up to you.” The realization that one woman had my heart in the palm of her hand was surprising. It was also riveting. “Do not go anywhere else but the bridal shop today. Do you hear me? Both Anthony and Federico will be with you at all times. If you disobey them, I will punish you.”
Joy gave me a coy look. “Me disobey you, my master?”
I pinched her other nipple then backed away. “It’s been known to happen. But Anthony will provide details. And he was told not to pay attention to either your or Lucia’s requests.”
“Party pooper.”
“So be it.”
“Have you found anything out about my birth mother?”