Page 16 of Vicious Intentions
Every aspect of the ballroom was gothic in nature, the thick velvet drapes adorning dark woods and regal furniture. At least the music wasn’t from the last century, the dark dance vibes pulsating in every muscle. I noticed a flash of lightning outside and shivered.
“Let’s get a drink,” Kelly suggested, leading me by the arm toward one of two massive bars in the room. I couldn’t help but notice the bartender was gorgeous, his arm muscles pushing against the tight confines of his black shirt.
“I’ll have a Coke,” I told him, which forced Kelly to wrinkle her nose. She ordered a screwdriver and I sighed. It would seem I’d be the designated driver. I sensed her nervousness increasing, which kept me on edge. Still, a part of me was intrigued with why the Elite were given so much credit.
“Kelly, baby. There you are. And who is this luscious friend you brought with you tonight?”
The deep voice was intoxicating, the rumble his husky tone created shifting straight to my core. I glanced in her direction, noticing a split second of hesitation—or maybe it was raw fear—before she smiled.
“Cristiano. This is my bestie, Sage.”
Cristiano. The name alone was something out of romance novels.
He took my hand into his, pulling my knuckles to his mouth. As soon as he pressed his voluptuous lips against my skin, a quiver drifted down my spine. To say he was stunning with his dark hair and sculpted muscles was an understatement, but it was his eyes that drew me in. They were luminous, a luscious emerald green tinged with gold flecks. I swallowed, trying to control my nerves.
“Quite possibly the most gorgeous woman in the room.”
If Kelly was perturbed by his words, she didn’t show it, turning toward a group of girls who’d approached. I could tell Cristiano thought I’d be bowled over by the compliment. I knew how guys worked. I wasn’t immune to social media or the giggly girls in my various classes. They thought they’d find true love behind the walls of the City of Hope.
I knew better.
If anything, they’d find an unhappy marriage.
While stories involving the Elite were highly exaggerated, if what Kelly had said was true and that a few chosen women became trophy wives, then even the administrators were in on what was happening behind the steel gates. However, I wasn’t lured into the fantasy that arranged marriages could work. They were barbaric to my mind. I still believed I’d find the perfect man, but only in the distant future after I became a star.
I pulled my hand away, giving him a polite nod. There was no sense in encouraging him. Nothing was going to happen tonight, especially nothing of a carnal nature. “Thank you, but it won’t work.”
“What won’t?” he asked, genuinely curious, his eyes full of amusement.
“Seducing me. I’m not that kind of girl.”
The flash of annoyance in his eyes couldn’t be hidden, although he tried to mask it well.
Kelly suddenly interrupted, moving slightly in front of me. “Forgive my friend. She doesn’t get out much.”
“Well, little pet. You should explain the rules to your bestie.”
Kelly’s lips were tight, anger sparking in her eyes. Then it was gone.
He exuded power as well as darkness, enough that a little voice inside told me to run. While the hair stood up on the back of my neck, the fact that I remained attracted to him shoved away any hint of fear. There was nothing I hated more than men who lorded their prowess over women.
“She doesn’t need to. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Don’t worry. I’ll be a good girl tonight. I’m just a visitor and nothing more.” I pushed Kelly aside, realizing that whatever punishment she’d mentioned could be on the agenda for her if I didn’t step in. I crowded his space, forced to tilt my head to look into his eyes. The flash in them occurred again, only this time I was able to look deeper into a black pit. As if the man had no soul.
We stood for a few seconds, neither one saying anything. His nostrils flared as he took a deep breath, purposely growling as if primal behavior would attract me.
Sadly, I was more aroused than I had been before, furious with my body for betraying me. I hated that his musky scent was intoxicating, prickles dancing on my naked arms.
“Be careful, delicate flower,” he said softly as he rolled his knuckles down the side of my face. “Monsters come in all shapes and sizes.”
I pulled my head away with an exaggerated move, irritated he thought his possessive bullshit would attract me. “Monsters I can handle, as well as little boys trying to prove themselves as men.”
Chuckling, he gave me another salacious look before walking away. Only seconds later, I realized he was continuing to stare at me.
“What’s his problem?” I knew the answer. He thought he was entitled. I was already uncomfortable.
She turned to face me, her expression more pensive than before. “What are you doing? You all but tossed gasoline onto a flame. He’s already attracted to you.”
“Oh, please. I bet his dick is the size of a peanut.”