Page 18 of Vicious Intentions
“There isn’t a woman we can’t tame. A little fighter? That will make the evening more delightful.”
Delightful wasn’t the word. While deflowering the beautiful creature before destroying her had been Cain’s suggestion, I hadn’t planned on being so attracted to her. It was an honor bestowed by a fellow brother. Now, I wanted nothing more than to rip the dress from her voluptuous body, revealing the prize underneath. Defiling her would provide great contentment.
“She’ll break,” I told him.
“That’s the plan. Would you like to wager a bet on how long it will take until she’s screaming out our names after fucking her five times?” His laugh was often annoying, more so tonight.
“We need to get her alone first.” A loud voice drew my attention and we both turned around. “Fuck. Look what the cat dragged in.” There was nothing worse than when former members who’d been tossed out broke the rules by arriving at one of our parties.
“Theodore Watkins,” Hunter hissed. “I thought the last time we escorted him out the front door, he knew better than to show his ugly face again.”
“Some assholes never learn.” The limp dick had refused to fuck one of the chosen in front of us, a requirement of the organization. The fact he hadn’t been able to get it up proved him unworthy of holding the title of an Elite. That had been his first infraction, and for reasons that continued to piss me off, he’d been given a pass. Even after fucking up handling an enemy who’d caused us trouble for months, he’d been allowed to live, his only punishment being expelled. I knew all of the reasons, but it still pissed me off. “Why don’t I handle escorting the bastard out this time?”
“Mmm… Be careful you don’t break him. You know his daddy will attempt to make our lives a living hell.”
I glanced at my friend, unable to keep a grin off my face. “If the worthless bastard tries, I’ll have my pops intervene.” My father was truly a sick bastard. If I made a single phone call, William Watkins’ severed head would be delivered by special courier to Theodore’s dorm room. As leader of a South American Cartel, my pops could care less about American laws or those believing they had influence over everyone else.
Hunter chuckled, shaking his head. He had no idea what my father was capable of. Fortunately, I was turning out to be a carbon copy of the brutal man. “Now, that is something I’d like to see.”
“Why don’t you check on our lovely prize for the evening while I handle Theo?”
“I think I’ll do that. My cock is itching for action.”
“Careful. Cain wants to fuck her first.”
“Cain. Always the man in charge. Whatever. That doesn’t mean I can’t snack on her sweet pussy.”
“Good point.” I tapped my fist on his arm before slamming my drink on one of the tables and heading into the crowd. The fact Theodore had whined to the school administrators about his expulsion from the Elite kept a bad taste in my mouth. The fact that he’d fucked up an assignment had almost tarnished our savage reputation. It was past time he realized fucking with one of the Elite hadn’t been in his best interests. Even being considered for the coveted position was an honor; most kids in the worthless school would die for a chance to join the illustrious organization.
Not Theodore.
Pompous dick.
I had to remind myself that not everyone could tolerate being a member. The requirements were not for the faint of heart. Theodore had faltered, showing his true colors. Even worse, it had been in front of the entire house, other members chanting that we should kill the bastard for failing us. While Cain had prevented us from doing so, it had been with prudence in mind. We didn’t need the hassle months before graduation, especially since the fucker’s uncle was in the FBI. Yet the cockroach wanted more. Maybe I’d handle the situation once and for all.
My way.
Theo was obviously out to prove himself. His father had been an Elite member and had expected his son to do the same. Unfortunately, the jerk didn’t have the killer drive in him. However, he could make our lives a living hell with the influence he had within other areas of the school.
My approach was stealthy, in complete silence. He was conversing with three of the chosen women, our entertainment for the evening. They seemed enamored, which pissed me off even more. I waited, standing behind him, listening to him bragging about being accepted to Harvard law school, his future mapped out.
Finally, one of the girls noticed my casual stance, smart enough to know looks could be deceiving. Gina was devoted to the house, likely gathering information to expound on later. I’d remind Cain to make certain she was selected as one of the final candidates.
“Sorry, Theodore. We need to freshen up,” Gina said, immediately guiding the other two girls away.
“What the fuck?” he huffed under his breath.
“It would seem you’re lost, Theodore,” I said quietly. There was no reason to ruin such a lively party.
He turned around, a smug look on his face. It was apparent the manner in which he’d been expelled hadn’t stuck. “What do you want, Chicano?”
“I’m surprised at the level of your slur given your supposed intelligence.”
His grin was meant to irritate me. Either the kid had a death wish or enjoyed pain. I smelled whiskey, his slightly slurred words indicating he’d already had one too many. Maybe booze had made him stupid. What annoyed me more than anything was that I couldn’t kill him. He knew it as well, which was what made him so fucking bold.
“Well, I call it like I see it.”
“Since there is a party going on, I’m going to be polite and ask you to get the fuck out.”