Page 2 of Vicious Intentions
When I said nothing, Dayton laughed cynically. “I do love you, brother.”
“Love is for idiots who don’t know the fury of life.”
“Wow. What the hell did that man do to you? Families are about love. At least they’re supposed to be.”
“Go away, Dayton.” Fury rushed through me when I heard my voice crack. I was twelve years old for God’s sake. I was no longer a child.
He sighed but a few seconds later closed the door with a soft click.
I squeezed my eyes shut, balling my fists. Then I rolled over onto my pillow so he wouldn’t hear me. No one could ever hear me. I couldn’t cry. It was against the rules.
Damn it. No. No…
After a few seconds, I started to dry heave.
I pulled my knees close to my chest, trying to control my breathing.
Get control. Breathe. You are stronger than this.
Pain tore through me, but tonight it wasn’t about the physical torture I was used to. The rush of adrenaline, the agony that filled my mind was about the life I wanted and would never have.
Finally, a few seconds later, I felt stronger. Maybe one day I’d find a way to escape. At least I had Dayton in my life. He did care about me.
A single sound grabbed my attention. I twisted on the bed, listening carefully. It had to be a branch against the side of Dayton’s house. After taking several deep breaths, I eased my head back to the pillow.
Then I heard it again.
Fear swept through me and I leapt off the bed, searching the nightstand for a weapon. Then I remembered Dayton had refused to allow me to have a gun in his house. I moved towards the door, opening it a crack and listening.
The muffled cry was filled with anguish. I rushed down the hallway towards Dayton’s room, flinging open the door. As a single bolt of lightning lit up the room, I stared in horror, unable to process what I was seeing.
A man stood over my brother, a hatchet in his hand. A man stood over my brother, a hatchet in his hand. I saw thespark leave my brother’s bloodied face as I lunged forward.
The bastard issued a single backhand, knocking me across the room and against the hall. Dazed and confused, I struggled to get to my feet. The assassin turned and within seconds, he disappeared out the window.
“Dayton. Dayton!” I tumbled forward, dropping to the floor by the bed. Even in the darkness, I could see pools of blood, my brother’s broken body lying in pieces.
While the asshole who’d taken my brother’s life had been shrouded in darkness, I’d caught a glimpse of a single scar on the top of one hand, something I would never forget.
I rose to my feet, glaring out the window as almost every emotion was swept away with my brother’s soul.
In its wake, a true monster had been born, a creature hellbent on revenge.
I would hunt down the person responsible. Then I would exact the kind of torture no man could tolerate.
And I would enjoy every brutal, bloody moment.
Several years later
The taste of blood remained in my mouth. It had for years, the coppery stench lingering in my nostrils. I reminded myself often of the reason why.