Page 55 of Vicious Intentions
“Nothing good happens from an incident of wanton sin.”
Maybe my mama was wrong. Or maybe I was tired of living in the shadows while my alternate personality took the lead on stage and in every aspect of my life.
I’d become an excellent observer over the years, something I’d learned as a performer. I could weed out the stalkers and other freaks with uncanny accuracy. However, with the three men who’d suddenly appeared in my life, I wasn’t able to grasp their true personalities versus their practiced, perfect facades and obvious long-term connection.
However, what I did know left me wondering if I was losing my mind.
All three were fantastically gorgeous.
All three radiated a dark intensity that had absorbed almost every female’s attention for as far as I could see. Whether eighteen or eighty, every chick was planning on my slow demise.
All three exuded the kind of brutal danger that should have me running far away.
The worst realization of all was that a teensy, tiny part of me wanted nothing more than to be sandwiched between all three.
Because that was exactly where I belonged.
Goddamn it, I wanted her. Not just for a quick passionate tryst or even for the duration of her time spent in my resort, but because I’d been unable to sleep during the few hours I’d had to myself.
Visions of her face and her imagined naked body had continued to plague my mind until I’d finally given up, going to the gym for two hours straight.
My good mood would ordinarily be driven into the toilet at this point except that the perpetrator of the egregious afront was one of my two best friends. However, seeing Hunter with Rose had driven a shot of jealousy into my system, which was a feeling I hadn’t experienced in years.
Hmmm… since seeing Theodore with his filthy hands on Sage. While the few women I’d dated had been beautiful by any man’s standards, none of them had provoked the green-eyed monster into rearing from his lair.
This was entirely unexpected.
Rose tilted her head, using her hand to keep the glare from the sun out of her eyes. She studied me as if uncertain she wanted to give me the time of day after our exchange the night before. Fortunately, the dazzling light couldn’t hide the dark craving or the look of desire she had. Unless I was wrong, she felt that way about all three of us.
“My,” she said in a strong voice. “The three of you look as if you’re ready to take down a heavyweight champion.”
Hunter grinned, and I was certain Cristiano had plans on ravaging her body at some point soon. I certainly couldn’t blame him.
“We’ve been known to handle certain issues together.” I was curious as to what her response would be.
“I’ve heard you’re a dangerous man, Mr. Cross. In fact, I was warned about you.”
“I’m certain you were. They were right to do so.” I heard the hint of amusement in my voice.
She shifted her gaze slowly to Cristiano. “And you? Should I be leery if I run into you in a darkened hallway?”
Cristiano crouched down next to her, taking her hand into his. When he rubbed her knuckles across his lips, she took an audible breath. “Yes, you should be very afraid. I regularly hunt beautiful women, taking them back to my castle where I perform filthy, sinful acts.”
“You should know very little either bothers or terrifies me, especially after the things I’ve seen while touring the world.”
Her answer brought a smile to Cristiano’s face, which was rare. “A woman after my own heart.”
“Be careful, brother. She sees right through entitled bullshit,” Hunter said, half laughing.
Rose turned her full attention to Hunter, the spark in her eyes what I wanted to see. “I already know you have sharp teeth.”
I was tossed back in time to our plans with Sage, the desire to keep her stronger than any of us had wanted to admit. While a percentage of women might enjoy the thought of having a foursome for only one night, there were very few women who would likely enjoy more than a couple of days.
Especially if they weren’t in charge, which she would never be.