Page 57 of Vicious Intentions
“The stories about him go back at least fifty years. Hell, my father swears he met him a long time ago. And I’m not kidding.” He leaned against the bar, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I don’t know about you, but I can’t see a seventy-year-old scaling walls and jumping from building to building.”
“Have a little ageism, why don’t you?” Hunter teased.
“Be real. You know the business we’re all in is brutal on the body as well as the soul. Besides, if the assassin had wanted you dead, you’d be dead.”
I took a deep breath. Cristiano’s claim was fairly accurate. If what Hunter told me about the circumstances was true, then by all rights he should be nothing but ashes in a box, the assassin’s bullet hitting its mark. “How do you account for the fact that Hunter’s assassin had the same scar on his hand?” Maybe I was trying to make sense of what had occurred.
“You just think it’s the same one. You were twelve, for fuck’s sake,” Hunter said. “Not to berate you, but there was a violent storm going on, and it was dark?”
“There are some things people can’t forget, even at twelve.” I turned my head towards him, almost wanting to be furious, but I understood why he wasn’t convinced. Meanwhile, I’d built my adult life around the certainty that The Iceman had been responsible. What if there was someone else pretending to be the man?
No, I had enough crosses to bear to worry about that.
“Look, I’m not suggesting anything, and I’m not saying it’s impossible. I’m just reminding all three of us that what went on in college stays there. Plus, if you are right that Sage’s father was The Iceman, after her death, he went into a freefall for a few years, finally falling off the radar. Last he and his wife were seen, they were living in Fiji. Plus, not a single other soul made the connection that Xavier Winters was The Iceman. Not one.”
“You know I’m right!” I realized my voice had carried, Rose turning her head in our direction.
“Keep your damn voice down,” Hunter hissed.
“All I’m saying, Cain, is that I find it hard to believe, because it’s been ten years if he’s reenergized his earlier career.” Cristiano wasn’t easily shaken, but I could sense he was being more tentative than usual.
“I understand what you’re saying. We’ll need to be cautious. Keep the security tight around you. However, you know I don’t buy it when things look too easy or if they appear to be a coincidence. That being said. We could have another problem,” I said as I shoved my hands into my pockets, purposely watching the beautiful woman enjoying the bright sun.
“Spill it,” Hunter demanded.
“I had to deal with an unruly employee last night. In his quest for salvation, he tossed out that people knew about what happened years ago. When pressed, he said several employees received a cryptic email less than a week ago.” I hated to admit it and had spent part of the night working with the computer technicians and the two hackers I’d recently hired to try and locate the source.
“Is that the truth?” Now, Cristiano seemed interested.
“Yeah, twenty-two emails were sent, five going into spam, two going to employees who no longer work at the resort. It appears the emails were sent from a bogus Gmail, the IP address somewhere in Brazil, China, the Soviet Union. You get the drill.”
“A hack job for certain,” Cristiano agreed. “Why? To make you look bad? I doubt your employees give a shit. They know what you really do for a living.”
Chuckling, I scratched my jaw. “They do. I have a feeling whoever sent it knew at least one of them would mention it to me.”
“Interesting scare tactic.”
Hunter took a deep breath, half laughing before asking a question. “Do I want to know what these emails said?”
“Simple and to the point. ‘Ten years ago, three men of the Elite including Cain Cross murdered a bright rising star. Her soul has yet to be freed.’ Poetic.”
The two men sucked in their breaths. “Someone is playing a game,” Cristiano said. “We need to find out who.”
Hunter took a deep breath. “Did either one of you get a strange text last night?”
I couldn’t help laughing. “One word. Soon?”
When Hunter nodded, Cristiano exhaled. “Yeah, I tried calling the number. Not in service.”
“Yeah, well, don’t bother. Burner phone. No doubt,” I told them.
“Meaning you’ve gotten more than one text.” Hunter lifted his eyebrows.
“Yes, I have.” I scanned the restaurant, almost laughing when I saw Rose’s personal assistant watching her from a distance. The woman certainly didn’t like me very much. As if I cared.
“Well, ain’t this peachy,” Cristiano growled. “I think we’re being set up. Why Chicago, Hunter? New business?”
Hunter’s expression went from confusion to disgust. “Yeah. Bart Coplan is supposed to sell his textile firm, but he’s having seller’s remorse.”