Page 59 of Vicious Intentions
Hunter flanked my side. “Are you being serious?”
“I am.”
“As a pet?” Cristiano asked.
“Perhaps. Perhaps more.” I mulled over the idea. Suddenly, a risky scenario slipped into the back of my mind. I wanted the crap with both The Iceman and Theo’s dad to be finished with once and for all. There was one way to ensure that happened.
To use a lure.
“And the logistics?” Hunter asked.
I tipped my head towards Hunter. “We’re three of the most powerful and wealthiest men in the world. I think we can handle logistics when they arise.”
He laughed. “You’re right, my friend. And I must admit, even though I’ve spent only a little time around her, she would be incredible to own.”
“There’s another reason,” Cristiano said as he studied my expression. “Isn’t there?
The deep breath I took didn’t fill my lungs. I had an ache inside for the woman and the thought of putting her in harm’s way was damning, yet it might be the single time we could effectively work together to eliminate our enemy. If things worked out, then we’d own a beautiful pet. “The obvious objective of both The Iceman, if he still exists or handed his legacy to someone else, as well as that of William Watkins is to either destroy or kill all three of us.”
Hunter got in my face. “You want to use her as bait. You son of a bitch.”
“Not bait exactly.”
“Then what the fuck do you call it?”
I shifted my gaze towards him first, then to Cristiano. “She won’t be of interest to either one of them. Only the three of us will be.”
“And what if something happens when she’s with us?” Hunter asked through gritted teeth.
“It won’t because we won’t allow it to.”
Cristiano laughed, the sound bitter. “Same old Cain. He thinks he can control the world.”
“Do you really want to spend your life wondering when or if you’re going to be shot at or arrested?”
Hunter dropped his head, cursing under his breath.
“I hear what you’re saying, Cain, but that beautiful woman doesn’t deserve to be used.” Cristiano was adamant. “I thought you were interested in Rose, not in the fact she’s simply someone we can share. That’s no longer acceptable. I want to spend time with someone I care about, not just want to fuck. I’m ready to share my life with a special lady. Maybe have a few kids. The three of us talked about sharing someone for a long damn time. And you know? The idea was ridiculous to me at first. Then the more I thought about it, the better I liked it. But I will not use her. No fucking way.”
“Ditto,” Hunter snarled.
There was no denying what I’d wanted. I glanced in her direction, overwhelmed with the kind of desire that would never leave. I’d experienced it once in my life and lost it. I wouldn’t do it again. “I care about very few people. You both know that. Women matter little in my life, or at least they haven’t up to this point. Like you, Cristiano, I long for more than just a night or a weekend of fucking. It was fun while we were younger. It’s not fun any longer, just… it simply satisfies a physical need. I want her. Rose. The woman. The beautiful talent with a laugh that can light up a room. I want her body and soul, but yes, I want her damn love as well.”
The two men were silent for a few seconds. Then Hunter moved in front of me once again. “Maybe you do have a heart after all, Cain. If you really feel that way, then fine, we will enjoy getting to know her, hoping for more. But you will fucking promise me that you’ll do everything in your power to keep her safe. If anything happens to her, I’ll fucking kill you myself.”
I knew in my blackened heart that I would do anything to protect her, no matter the circumstances or the cost.
“Then so be it. We begin the process. Within a few days, the lovely Rose Sadler will belong to us.”
“Imagine what else we’re going to do to you, little pet? In the end, we’re going to fuck every hole, taking you over and over again.”
I could hear Cain’s voice in the back of my mind, the promise sounding more like a warning during the middle of passion. While it should be unnerving as hell given the dream I’d had, my skin continued to tingle from the thought.
Déjà vu.