Page 62 of Vicious Intentions
My mother had never been very good at confiding in me, even when I’d asked questions about a memory loss that troubled me today. The doctors had told me that one day the missing months would return, but I wasn’t certain I believed them any longer.
Or maybe I didn’t want to remember what I’d endured during the accident, the one everyone refused to expound on the details. Why had my mother chosen now?
And why had she been so nervous about my trip to Chicago? My thoughts drifted to the single article I’d just read, making a mental note to do some additional checking tomorrow. For now, I’d enjoy my evening.
I pressed my hands down my dress, then opened the door. Cristiano was leaning against the alcove wall, his legs crossed and his hands shoved into his pockets. He was dressed in all black, the luxurious material of his long sleeve shirt unbuttoned to the midway point on his chest. I noticed a dazzling display of ink I hadn’t seen before, the intricate scrolling art drifting up to his neck. His trousers were also obsidian in color, accentuating his long, muscular legs. He wore a dark expression as his eyes traveled down to my high heels.
“You look radiant,” he said in a half whisper. This time as he spoke, I was certain I detected a hint of his Latin accent. The tone was sensual, enticing, and I was just as drawn to him as I had been the others.
“I must admit, you don’t look too bad yourself.”
His face lit up, the smile crossing his face an unexpected surprise. “Not too bad. I think I like that. Are you ready to go?”
“Where are we going exactly?”
“Now if I told you that, then it wouldn’t be a surprise. Would it?”
He stood back as I walked out the door, immediately pressing his hand against the small of my back, guiding me towards the elevators. There was an entirely different energy about him, a level of sexual dominance that ebbed and flowed beneath his gorgeous exterior. He was also possessive, which I realized I appreciated.
As we waited for the elevator, he crowded my space, taking a deep breath. I hadn’t noticed the two-day stubble before, but it added character to his strong jaw.
“Tell me more about yourself, Rose. What do you do if you’re not singing your little heart out?”
I almost retorted with a question about what he did when he wasn’t hunting down and killing his enemies. He was the most brutal of the three men, his kills in South America legendary, people on several continents terrified of him.
“You already know the basics. Halo takes up the majority of my time, which means I have few hobbies. At this point in my career, I spend a lot of time on the road with my band.”
“Does that make you happy?”
“Why shouldn’t it?”
He seemed thoughtful about his response. “Because often what we allow ourselves to be dragged into isn’t what we would have chosen for ourselves.”
I wasn’t certain if anyone had asked if I was happy before. “That makes me think you’re the unhappy one.”
Cristiano laughed. “How could I be unhappy? I’m a wealthy, powerful man with all the toys money can buy.”
There was a haunting sound in his voice. He wasn’t happy at all.
“Well, being a musician is what I’ve wanted since I could remember. Not singing would kill me.”
“I’m curious. What else would you do if you weren’t singing?”
“Honestly, I have no idea. What do you do?” In my internet search, I’d come to the conclusion that all three men were as respected as they were feared. If I was a smart girl, I would have backed out from the date. I’d been far too intrigued to do so.
“I’m going to venture a guess that you’ve already determined that.” As the elevator pinged, the corners of his mouth turned up, his eyes piercing mine.
“You would be right.”
“Good girl.” He guided me into the empty elevator, pressing the button, then backing me against the wall. “Are you a very good girl, Rose? Or would you consider yourself naughty?”
“That depends on the situation.”
“An honest answer.” He pressed both hands on the cold steel, lowering his head. “You are aware that for every infraction there are consequences?”
“Isn’t that the code we live by, or do you refuse to follow any man’s rules?”
“You are a very feisty woman. I can tell I’m going to thoroughly enjoy tonight’s festivities.”