Page 8 of Vicious Intentions
“Would you like anything else from me?” She dragged her tongue across her lips. She was still a junior but had shown significant promise. There was no requirement for her to remain until graduation.
“You’re a very good girl; however, I have other business to attend to prior to the party.” I stroked the side of her face as a reward. “With obedience comes rewards. Now, rise and attend to your task.”
She did as required, although I could see disappointment in her eyes. Perhaps she thought she’d be granted the gift of sucking our cocks. Not a chance. There was only one girl I hungered for.
After Kelly left the room, I turned toward the others, smug from the vile thoughts running through my mind.
“You’re one sick bastard,” Hunter said as he laughed.
“You have no idea.”
“I gotta ask. You’re certain her father is the one?” he continued.
“You’ve asked me that before, Hunter. Do you seriously doubt me?”
He lifted his eyebrows. The man knew how hot-headed I was.
However, there was no need to think about his question. I’d seen the top of her father’s hand the day he’d dropped his daughter off, the scar something I’d never forget. My blood boiled with rage, my brother’s death yet to be avenged even though my father had tried to find out who’d dared kill his firstborn son. “I’m positive. The girl will pay.”
“So the plan is to fuck and feast tonight?” Cristiano asked.
“Absolutely. Sage will be well used during and after the party.” My cock twitched, my balls tightening. “Then she’ll be placed on an extremely short leash which will allow her to graduate. But only if she is very obedient.”
“The house is ready for our arrival. I’ve taken the liberty of adding a few amenities such as a cage, just in case she needs a reminder of her place.” The desire in Cristiano’s eyes was about something else altogether.
I rubbed my jaw, contemplating what could come next. “And you say I’m a sick man.”
“You are,” both of my buddies said at the same time.
“And I make no excuses for being that way.” I lifted my glass, waiting as the others did the same. I’d already made the decision we would claim her weeks before. It would be tricky given graduation, but I had no intentions of staying for the fucking ceremony. Our last exams were in three days. Then she’d become ours permanently.
“To the hunt,” Hunter growled.
“Now, the capture.” Cristiano added.
“Then we’ll break her.”
“Imagine the look on her father’s face when he learns his baby has disappeared.” Hunter smiled.
I had imagined. It had been all I’d been able to think about during my sleepless nights. While I hungered for the woman more than I had any other, there was only one end to the game I was playing.
Sage would pay for the sins of her father. She would be fucked, used, and punished.
Then when we grew tired of her, she would die in atonement for the murder of my brother.
“I have exciting news!” As my dormmate burst into the room, I couldn’t help but smile. The girl had a verve for life, which was something I aspired to. Kelly Cole had quickly become my best friend after I’d enrolled in the City of Hope’s illustrious musical program less than two years before. God, I hated the name, but almost no one used Crandall University. Thank God at least it would be on my diploma.
My parents had finally agreed to allow me to attend a college far from home, the luxurious Kentucky setting both beautiful and serene. And far removed from the crowded streets of Chicago. While not my first or even my third choice in colleges, it had been my first taste of freedom, allowing me to enjoy the perks of being away from home. They’d only agreed because of the exclusivity of the school, as it was designed for kids born to the rich and famous.
The environment was heavily protected, the grounds secure. I’d seen armed security guards constantly walking the property in search of unwanted intruders. There wasn’t a kid on campus who didn’t have a powerful family. I’d learned early on that money could buy anything.