Page 85 of Vicious Intentions
“What makes you think I give a shit about what Cain thinks?” My tone was full of anger, although not directed towards either one of my buddies. I was finished with being jerked around like some goddamn puppet.
He opened his eyes wide, then grinned. “At least you and I are on the same page. I don’t plan on letting Rose get away. She’s the only reason I’ve fucking smiled for years.”
He was serious. I couldn’t blame him. I wanted her with me. Fuck. I loved the girl. Admitting it to myself was a surprise. Admitting it to the other two wasn’t necessarily something I wanted to do.
“From what I can tell, Rose managed to find an article on what happened that night. She wrote a few notes down.”
Hunter walked closer. “If my memory serves me about the events, her parents were adamant that her name remain out of the paper. I think they used a false name to try and keep reporters from finding out exactly what happened.”
I sat back against the couch, folding my arms behind my head. “That’s right. I’d forgotten about that. We were definitely not allowed to see her.” I thought about what he’d just said and took a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds before letting it out. “Perfect. Her parents had the perfect opportunity to disappear permanently. Let everyone believe she’d died.”
“Assassins do it all the time. Because they had a daughter, which was unexpected, The Iceman couldn’t operate under his usual methods. Her accident was the chance to be able to do so. They just disappeared, selling the fake business. It was done so quickly I was shocked. Did you go to her funeral?”
“No, did you?” He seemed surprised.
I allowed my memories to return to a place I never wanted to visit. “Yeah. I stood on the hill far enough away they didn’t see me. I watched them bury her body. Then I turned my back and tried to pretend it didn’t happen.” I was off everyone’s radar then, returning to South America at my father’s request.
“Fascinating. What if she’s following in her father’s footsteps?”
I laughed. “She’s a rockstar. I doubt she’s sidelining as a hired killer.”
“That’s not what I mean. What if all this is about revenge? What if she believes we were the ones who tried to hurt her? These nightmares might be providing some details, yet warping the events.”
“We did try and hurt her, although not like Theodore.”
He sighed. “Not like the bastard. He was out to get to us through her. We talked big back then, Cris. We weren’t monsters.”
“Weren’t we?”
“Maybe you’re right. Maybe this is karma’s way of forcing us to atone for the part we played in destroying her life.”
“She just discovered the additional pieces. She was lured here just like we were. I’m positive of it.”
“Then she’s scared blind and can’t trust us.”
If Rose was Sage, then at least she’d managed to enjoy a life similar to what she’d wanted. The signs were all there that Sage was alive, but none of us would have known if she was lying about it instead of not remembering her former life.
“One thing we do know is that Theo’s father had something to do with the recent article.”
Hunter shook his head. “No, we don’t. Remember the reporter refused to reveal his source. Let me make some calls and see if I can find anything. If Xavier Winters changed his life again, there won’t be an obvious trail.”
A thought entered my mind. There was one place she could find all the answers she was seeking. “Maybe check with the airport and see if she took a flight.”
Hunter blinked, then a look of understanding crossed his face. “To see her parents. Good idea.”
“As far as Xavier, if Rose is Sage, then you know his current last name. However, if I had to guess, if she confronts them, her parents will disappear again.”
“And take her with them?”
“Maybe.” We couldn’t allow that to happen. I couldn’t lose her again.
“We’ll get her back.”
“Let’s hope to hell we do.”
As Hunter pulled out his phone, I glanced at the notes again. With what she’d found and if her dreams had provided false information, if Rose had no idea who she was, she’d be convinced she should hate us.