Page 40 of Make Me Love You
He could tell when she was ready for more. Her hips canted, seeking more friction from his mouth. He complied, gripping her more firmly, increasing the pace. She dug her fingers through his hair, holding his head close to her as another orgasm sent her internal muscles pulsing. Pleasure washed through him, more intense than he had ever experienced without an orgasm of his own.
She collapsed, boneless, and slowly he pulled away. God, she looked beautiful there in his bed. Peaceful. She had arrived on his doorstep angry and tense, but now she was sated. All the fight had seemed to drain from her with that first orgasm, and the second had sent her to euphoria.
“Don’t fall asleep,” he begged, shucking his pants and shirt in record time.
“Not asleep,” she murmured. She blinked slowly and then her eyes widened as she took him in. Her gaze raked over him and she smiled. “Mmm.”
He wanted to tell her no, that she couldn’t look at him like that. That if she looked at him like that, he might get ideas that she wanted to keep him. But he liked it too much to tell her to stop. Like everything else with Emma, the pain was more pleasurable than the emptiness of nothing.
He grabbed a condom from the nightstand, ripped the foil packet open, and rolled it over his aching length. He joined her on the bed, pressing her back to the mattress, every inch of her bare skin touching his bare skin. Finally. She parted her legs, making room for him, and his erection settled there against her warm, slick skin.
He stopped, momentarily overwhelmed. He shivered and dropped his forehead to hers, trying to ground himself in the moment. It was all right. There was nothing to fear here.
“Eli,” she whispered. She squeezed his ass, urging him to move.
He didn’t hesitate. He bucked forward, sheathing himself completely in her tight, wet heat. He wanted to go slow, to savor, to stretch this moment out as long as he was able, but he was past all that now. Past restraint. Past patience.
He could feel her release building again. He was familiar with it now, the way her external muscles went taught, the way her hands fluttered as she searched for something to hold on to. He understood the feeling. It was comforting that she, too, was overwhelmed and in need of grounding.
He couldn’t hold back any longer. She shuddered beneath him, nails digging into his back as her internal muscles pulsed around him as she climaxed, pulling him deeper. Blood roared in his ears as the last vestiges of his control snapped completely. He pounded himself into her, conscious only of this need to finish. To finally have her, completely. Pleasure burst through him like an explosion, a single word ripped from his throat.
Chapter Eleven
It wasn’t so much a word as it was a feeling that engulfed Emma before she was fully conscious. It was the scent of spicy aftershave and generic shampoo, a combination so intensely familiar that her life flashed in a series of hazy, dream-like scenes. Eli spinning her in a circle at the homecoming dance. Eli grabbing her waist, hauling her back when she leaned too far over the safety bar on the Ferris wheel. Eli crawling into bed with her the night her mother died, holding her while a never-ending stream of tears soaked her pillow. Eli, Eli, Eli. His name was a drumbeat matching the rhythm of her heart.
She opened her eyes.
It took a moment of fumbling in the dark for her alarm to realize that she was not in her own house. Something warm brushed against her cheek and the incessant beeping stopped. The mattress shifted as he stood, and then there was the soft sound of bare feet padding across the wood floor. A second later the hall light turned on, the light muted enough that it didn’t hurt. She watched him return to her and ached a little at how beautiful he was. He looked like something Michelangelo had sculpted, but instead of cold marble, he was warm flesh and muscle.
“Hey.” He sat next to her, making her roll toward him slightly when the mattress dipped from his weight. “Are you awake?”
“Yes. What time is it?” She rubbed her eyes.