Page 59 of The Last Hunt
Maeve stands and holds her hand out to him. He takes it and stands as well. She looks him over with a critical eye, her gaze catching on his bandage.
“You’re still recovering from the radiation poisoning,” she says. “Go nap. I’ll be fine. I’ll let you know if we get a message from Sylar.”
Aethon nods and drags himself to Maeve’s room. He shrugs his jacket off and collapses onto her bed, asleep within a minute.
He wakes later to Maeve’s soft mouth pressing kisses to his jaw and moving down his neck. He groans and blinks for a moment, unsure if he’s dreaming or not. The only lights on the Archer are the emergency lights along the floor dimly illuminating the room.
“Maeve?” he murmurs, his voice hoarse.
Maeve lays down next to him, her chest resting on his stomach, her hand sliding up under his shirt. She looks up at him and gives him a half-smile. This sexy, gentle, eager version of Maeve is a dream. She’s incredible when she’s sprinting through starbases and hauling around criminals too, but Aethon suspects not many other people get to see this side of her. He wants to stay here in her bed forever. She’s wearing a black t-shirt and shorts, her long pale legs tangled up with his. The small, purple crystal necklace she always wears is pressed between her neck and his stomach. The sharp lines of her chin and cheekbones are illuminated softly, her light green eyes silvery in the dimness. He brushes the backs of his fingers down her cheek.
“What time is it?” he asks.
“Nine at night,” she replies. “You slept for a while.”
“Anything from Sylar?”
She shakes her head. “Not yet.” The necklace she wears shifts up when she moves her head.
Aethon reaches down and traces the delicate chain around her neck. “I think I recognize the crystal on this.”
“You might,” Maeve replies. “It’s a croi crystal. They’re common on Tellamar. Your mother might have some.”
“I think she does,” Aethon says. “It reminds you of home?”
Her mouth tightens a bit and she nods before looking away. He’s sure it’s a sensitive topic for her, so he drops it.
Aethon sighs as Maeve pushes his shirt up and presses a kiss to his stomach right over his waistband. He’s already half-hard from her ministrations. He wants her so badly. There are still things they haven’t discussed - decisions they both need to make that are right over the horizon, but Aethon pushes those to the back of his mind. He’s with her right now and she wants him. It feels like a miracle.
“Aren’t you tired, chrissah?” he murmurs.
Maeve nods but she slides her hand down over his pants, feeling his hardening cock. “I think there’s a little situation I need to deal with before going to sleep, though,” she says. She raises a brow, her lips curving up on one side.
“I wouldn’t call that a little situation,” he says, meeting her gaze.
“Mmm, did that hurt your feelings?” she asks with a laugh. She undoes his pants and unzips his fly before freezing. Her eyes narrow and she glares up at the ceiling.
“TAI?” Maeve says slowly.
“Yes, Maevey-pie?” TAI chirps immediately.
Maeve squeezes her eyes shut. “Didn’t I tell you and CAL to leave us alone when we’re -” she pauses and swallows hard. “When we’re engaging in sexual activities?”
Aethon chuckles. Maeve shoots him an annoyed look.
“I know - I know - I just wanted to mention that we have water based lubricant on board!” TAI says sweetly. “I know you used a lot of saliva earlier, but you don’t need to -”
“TAI!” Maeve snaps. “Oh my god -”
“No more advice necessary, TAI!” Aethon calls. He puts a hand over his mouth to hide his grin.
“Are you sure?” TAI asks. “I’ve been doing some titillating research about fellatio -”
“That’s ok!” Aethon interrupts, his chest vibrating with laughter. “You and CAL can mind the route - no need to monitor us right now. We’ll let you know if we need something.”
“Alrighty!” TAI says. “You two have fun!”