Page 74 of The Last Hunt
“What?” Maeve asks. A light blinks on the dash and the 3D printing compartment opens to reveal two earpieces.
“You made these?” Aethon asks.
“Of course!” TAI chirps. “I know you have boundaries or whatnot - but after what happened at Valley, I’m not eager to not be able to speak to my Maevey or my Aethony.”
Aethon blinks at her, his mouth open, but seems to not have any words.
Maeve bites her lip, finding it hard not to laugh despite the circumstances. “Aethony?”
“I’m workshopping it!” TAI says defensively. “I’ll come up with something to your liking, Aethon honey.”
“I hope you don’t mind if I continue to call both of you ‘captain’,” CAL says.
Maeve rolls her eyes, but warmth spreads through her chest at the same time. Aethon smiles. “I knew I liked you, TAI.”
“Yes indeedy!” she replies.
Maeve grabs the two earpieces from the dash. She hands one to Aethon who winds it around his ear.
“Can we talk to each other on these too?” he asks.
“Of course!” TAI chirps.
Maeve nods and puts her earpiece on as well. “Thank you, TAI.”
“Anything for my Maevey!”
There’s another bang on the outside of the Archer and Maeve shifts toward the door.
“I’ll talk us past them,” Aethon says. “Make your Two Roses crest as obvious as possible.” He adjusts his pin on his jacket and Maeve does the same. “And don’t reach for your weapon.”
“But -” Maeve starts, unease curling in her gut.
Aethon shakes his head. “Don’t do it, Maeve. Or they’ll have us in lock up so fast we’ll never get a chance to explain who we are.”
“Fine,” she grumbles. “We’re kind of on the clock here though.”
He nods. “I know. Trust me.”
“I do.” Her easy, automatic response surprises her. But she does trust him. With her life.
Another bang rattles the Archer and Maeve snarls at the sound.
Aethon turns to her, the low light from the Archer making his jawline sharp. “No matter what happens,” he says. “I’m grateful we got to spend this time together, Maeve.” His whisky eyes are hard, and Maeve feels stronger with him standing next to her.
“I’m glad too,” she says, swallowing through the tightness in her throat. “But they need to stop fucking with my ship.” She reaches around her neck and turns on the portable oxygen unit. She unfolds the facemask and slides it on, the clear, oval plastic covering her from forehead to chin. The edges suction into place. Aethon does the same.
“Open the door, TAI!” Maeve orders.
The doors open and a Scimitar Starbase guard is there. His uniform is gray and he has a patch with his name and rank. He’s broad and he blocks the whole door, his own oxygen unit on, his bearded face set in a frown. Maeve can see a few more guards and dock workers hanging back behind him. She keeps her hands open and still at her sides.
“Man alive - Officer Pelham!” Aethon says, opening his arms wide. “I haven’t seen you in years!” His friendly voice makes the guard pause.
“Do I know you?”
“Of course!” Aethon says. “Aethon Trell? I work for Two Roses! Remember that weeklong party on Denmat in ‘88? The snake-charmer?” He laughs and runs a hand back through his hair in a disarming way, and Maeve watches with something bordering on awe. “We called you Pissed Pelham? You were so drunk you probably don’t remember. Listen man, I know we broke a few rules by cutting in line and landing here, but do you know you have a seriously dangerous criminal on board?”
The guard is looking at Aethon with clear confusion, but he doesn’t do anything when Aethon takes his tab out. Aethon pulls up the photo of Daik from his bounty posting. In the photo, Daik’s hair is slicked back and he looks over his shoulder, his eyes narrow, wearing a beat up red jacket. He has that fake beard on that somehow makes him look even more like a rat.