Page 80 of The Last Hunt
“I wanted to tell you this on the starbase,” Maeve says. “But that wasn’t the right time. I think I’ve known for a while, but I was scared.”
Aethon holds up a hand. “What is it, chrissah?” he murmurs. He wants to hear her say the words.
Maeve swallows hard before meeting his gaze again. “I love you,” she says. She winces, her shoulders rising as her cheeks flush. Aethon brings her hand to his mouth and kisses her fingers, not breaking eye contact with her. “Well,” she says. “Aren’t you going to say anything?”
“I love you too,” he says.
Maeve’s face softens, her eyes locked on his.
“Butter my butt and call me a biscuit!” TAI exclaims. “The organics figured it out, CAL!”
“Took them long enough,” CAL mutters.
“Yeah, yeah,” Maeve says, looking up at the ceiling with an arched brow. “Thanks, you two.”
Aethon chuckles and catches Maeve’s chin, pulling her in for a soft kiss. Despite everything they have lost, Aethon feels like the galaxy is his for the taking. Spread out wide for him and Maeve, the possibilities endless. Maeve deepens their kiss, and his back twinges. He groans a little in pain, making her lean back, her brows knitted together with concern.
“I’m fine,” Aethon says, waving her off. “I don’t know that I can fuck you how I’d like to right now, but -”
Maeve raises her brows. “No sex. Not for a week. Doctor’s orders.”
Aethon grins. “You asked them when we could have sex?”
She shrugs. “It was in your post-surgical report.”
“And I see you went right to that section of the report, you horny little -”
“Did not!” Maeve says. But she bites her bottom lip as she tries not to laugh. She reaches up to where her necklace is, but her hand falls back quickly. Aethon notices the chain is missing.
“Your necklace,” he says. “Where is it?”
Maeve shakes her head. “I lost it on the starbase. Some asshole ripped it off along with my oxygen unit.”
Aethon presses his lips together. “I’m sorry, chrissah.”
Maeve shrugs, but Aethon knows how much that necklace meant to her. It was a piece of Tellamar she was able to carry with her.
“Sorry to interrupt, Maevey,” TAI says. “But we’re approaching the jump point. Do you want to head on through?”
Maeve’s features fall and she narrows her gaze as she looks at him.
“Where are we?” Aethon asks. He leans back against the pillows. “Actually, how long was I out?”
“You were in Scimitar Starbase’s medical isolation unit for five days,” Maeve says. “When you were stable enough, they released you to me. That was twelve-ish hours ago. So it’s been almost six days since you got yourself blown up.”
“Six days,” he repeats.
“And as it turns out,” Maeve says slowly. “Scimitar is right in the path of a set of jump points that lead to the outer edge of colonized space.” She leans forward. “We’re three jumps from Freehail.”
Aethon sucks in a breath. “Fuck.”
Maeve shakes her head. “I wouldn’t go there without your permission. But I didn’t know where else you could recover. Your rooms on Brix-9 are being packed up right now. CAL got a message from Hera Laurent two days ago asking for the credits for your dues. When we couldn’t pay, she said she would start packing your shit.”
Aethon winces. “Cold.”
Maeve nods. “I know.” She leans forward. “Aethon, I understand not wanting to go home. Fuck, do I ever understand.” She gives him a grim smile. “But your parents are still there. And I know you haven’t seen them in years.”
Shame coils in Aethon’s gut. “You don’t understand,” he says. “I told myself I wouldn’t go back to Freehail until I proved myself. Until I proved -” He takes in a shuddering breath. “- until I proved that I was worthy of this life. A life my brother never got to have.” He shakes his head. “And now what do I have to show for all my years of work? No guild membership. No credits. Not even a ship. I’ve got nothing.”