Page 51 of Shadow
“Someone broke into my apartment and destroyed it, everything.”
“Well, if I know my brother, he will find your father and then you’ll never have to worry about him again.”
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“The brother who…”
Faith grinned. “He’s dead. My sister-in-law Ari emptied a Colt-45 into him after he tried raping her too.”
“Holy shit,” I muttered.
Faith smiled up at me. “Welcome to the family.”
A knock at the front door had both of us turning.
“You expecting company?” I asked, slowly getting to my feet.
“No,” Faith muttered, doing the same.
“Stay here. I’ll go see who it is.”
Making my way through the living room, another loud knock on the door had me slowing my steps. I knew it was stupid. There was no fucking way my father found me all the way out here. It was impossible. Hell, I didn’t even know where here was.
Taking a deep breath, I put my hand on the doorknob when I felt someone behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Faith right behind me with a meat cleaver. Looking at the knife, then at her, I quirked my eyebrow. Faith smirked, then shook her shoulders.
Shaking my head, I opened the door to find a tall, muscular man standing with his arms crossed over his chest. The man was stunningly beautiful. His caramel skin glistened in the bright morning sun as his soft, mossy green eyes glared at me. Standing at least six foot six or more, his thick muscular arms covered in tattoos traveled and merged with the large Mandela chest tattoo he proudly displayed. That’s when I realized he wasn’t wearing a shirt. Only a cut.
A black leather Diamondback cut.
Gulping, I croaked.
“Can I help you?”
The large man looked me up and down before adverting his eyes to Faith, who was standing behind me. That’s when I heard the knife clatter to the floor and Faith gasped. Turning quickly, I saw her lightly cover her mouth as she slowly shook her head, cautiously stepping back.
“Faith, I can handle this. Why don’t you go back into the kitchen?”
“main tamhen chot nahen pahunchawon ga chhote kabutar,” The man said gruffly, as Faith stared at him. Before I knew what was happening, the man slowly pushed past me to stand before Faith, who never took her eyes off him.
“Do not be afraid,” he whispered, lightly caressing her cheek. “You are safe.”
“What language was that?” Faith whispered.
“Pakistani. I’m half Black and half Pakistani. My mom insisted I learn the language of her homeland.”
“It was beautiful. What did you say?”
Closing the door, I went to stand next to Faith, just in case she needed me. I didn’t know this man, nor did I trust him. However, the beautiful man smiled down at Faith before saying, “I said. I won’t hurt you, little dove.”
“No, but I will if you don’t get the fuck away from my sister.” Shadow growled from the hallway as he pointed a gun right at the man. The stranger looked at Shadow and narrowed his eyes, easing me and Faith behind him.
“We need to talk,” he said flatly.
“About what?”
“I know what Kansas wants you to do.”