Page 70 of Shadow
“Joan doesn’t drink!” Shadow argued on my behalf. My head was spinning now that I was laying down and the queasy feeling wasn’t going away.
I could hear more police sirens approaching when Zeke got in the cop’s face. “You lay one hand on her, and you’ll need that ambulance more than she will.”
That was the last thing I heard before I closed my eyes.
I woke sometime later to find Faith sitting next to me.
“How are you feeling, sweetie?”
“Like I was in an accident.”
Faith grinned, then frowned as she looked around the room, muttering, “I hate hospitals.”
“I do too,” I said, looking for Zeke, when I noticed I couldn’t move my hands. Looking down, I found myself handcuffed to the hospital bed.
“What’s going on?”
“The asshole cop charged you with reckless driving, intent on doing bodily harm with a moving vehicle and a slew of other charges that he could think of.”
“Where is Zeke?”
“He’s in jail, along with the others.”
“What do you mean, in jail?”
“The cop that slammed into you, arrested my brother, Kansas, Whisper and Trigger, for obstructing justice and interfering with a police investigation. The same cop also slapped on assault charges against Zeke and Kansas.”
“You can’t be serious?”
Faith nodded. “Yeah. As baffling as it sounds, it’s the truth. Kali’s at the police station right now with the club’s attorney trying to get the charges dropped. You, on the other hand, are going to be okay. The bullet went through the fatty tissue of your shoulder. The doctor said you should be fine in a few days. You sustained a nasty concussion when that cop slammed into you. The doctor wants to keep you overnight to watch for any problems. Other than that, you’re perfectly fine.”
“What a mess,” I muttered. “Did the guys find the truck?”
“No.” Faith shook her head.
“So, I have no way of proving what happened.”
Faith smirked. “That’s not necessarily true.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, when we heard what was happening. Hope and Charity jumped into the farm’s SUV. They followed the guys to the scene. Charity was right behind them when she saw the black truck take off and, well…”
“She didn’t.” I gasped.
Faith chuckled. “She did, and when Zeke finds out, he’s going to spank her ass, but we’ll worry about that later.”
“But you said they didn’t find the truck.”
“I said the guys didn’t find the truck,” Faith smiled, then added. “Never play Clue with Hope. You will lose every time. As for Charity, she missed her calling. That girl should have been a NASCAR driver.”
“Oh. My. God,” I gasped. “So, they found the truck?”
Faith nodded, taking a deep breath. “Yeah. They found the truck abandoned about five miles north of town.”
Chapter Seventeen