Page 27 of Gunner
Turning back to Scribe, I asked, “How long has she been here?”
“A couple of hours now, showed up looking for you. Saw her girls, then parked her ass and started drinking. Where the fuck have you been? King’s been looking for you.”
“Needed to clear my head.”
“And did ya?”
“More than you’ll ever know,” I muttered cryptically, as images of Sarah screaming out my name while I emptied my balls into her tight pussy. Fuck. I was getting hard again.
“Well, guard your loins, ‘cause Holly’s coming back over.”
Huh? And just like that, my dick shriveled up.
That’s a fresh development.
Turning slightly, I watched as Holly stumbled her way towards me and I groaned. “Fuck.”
Scribe moved down the bar just as Holly slid in next to me. Wrapping one of her arms around me. She was too damn close for my comfort. She smelled like she bathed in a brewery.
Jesus. Just how much has she had to drink?
“Gunner, baby. Take me home?”
“Just got here, Holly. Call an Uber.”
“Come on, baby. I’ll let you do that thing you like.”
Laying my pint on the bar, I looked at the woman I spent so much time with and wondered what I ever saw in her. She was not as beautiful as I remembered. Don’t get me wrong, Holly was a pretty woman, but right now, she looked like a raccoon that got into a fight with a bobcat that an elephant trampled all over. The woman was a hot mess, and I could smell the drama permeating off her.
“Not tonight, Holly. I’m tired.”
She chuckled. “That’s my line.”
Rolling my eyes, I turned as the tavern door opened and in walked Mike Brewer.
Fuck my life.
Sitting at the bar, Mike nodded. “Gunner.”
“Oopsie,” Holly hiccupped, bumping into me, causing me to spill my beer in my lap. Groaning, I got to my feet, which gave Holly the perfect moment to latch her clingy ass to mine. Rubbing herself all over me, she whined, “I’m horny, baby. Take me home and fuck me.”
Yeah. That wasn’t going to happen. I liked my women coherent when I fucked them. Not slobbering drunk. Besides, I’d just been to the Promise Land and my dick was perfectly content and happy.
Trying to peel her off me, I heard Mike chuckle, “Got your hands full with that one, Gunner. When are you going to make an honest woman out of her?”
“Ooh,” Holly slurred, smiling. “That’s sounds fun, baby. Let’s get married. I wanna be Mrs. Cord Montclair. Doesn’t that sound awesome?”
Scribe laughed loudly. “Yeah, Gunner. That sounds awesome.”
I glared at my club brother. “Shut it, you.”
“You’d love marriage Gunner. One woman for the rest of your life,” Mike chuckled.