Page 30 of Gunner
Bailey laughed uncontrollably. “Keep thinking that, zombie boy, because that man has a keen sense. I give it a week before someone spills the beans.”
“Only two people, well now three, know. So shut it, woman,” I glared. Fuck. I did not want to be talking about this with Bailey. While I trusted her to keep her trap shut, she was fucking my brother. Besides, if she even knew half of what really happened, she’d have my balls. Bailey was funny when it came to Beth and Mike. She loved them dearly, and now that Sarah was home, I fucking knew Bailey would encompass Sarah under her protective umbrella.
“Gunner,” Bailey eventually sobered. Leaning forward in the chair, she said, “You know nothing stays quiet in this town for long. If you value your dick where it is, you better come clean and fast.”
“I can’t.”
“Why the hell not?”
“Because Mike threatened me last year when I first met Sarah. Told me to stay away from his daughter. Then yesterday, King had me in his office and reiterated Mike’s wishes. Sarah is off limits.”
“I get she is young, but she’s old enough to make her own decisions.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Is this some fling?”
I sighed, rubbing my face. “No. I don’t think so. I mean, from the moment I saw her, I knew she was mine. I stayed away before because she was still a minor and headed off for college. That baby jar Beth started for King? Well, my brother gave the money to Sarah so she could live it up in Europe. Only shit happened and now she’s home and last night, we...”
Bailey grimaced. “Got it. You did the bedroom tango. What are you going to do about Holly?”
“What does Holly have to do with this? I don’t want Holly. I never did. She was fun for a while, but it’s over.”
“Have you told Holly this?”
“Was planning on telling her today, but she’s probably got a hangover from hell because she was at the Tavern last night drunk off her ass. She fucking made a damn scene, and I had to take her home. Then, when I was leaving, I saw Sarah standing in front of her bedroom window. Girl, flipped me off and I have no idea why.”
Bailey stared at me, opened mouthed.
“You can’t be that fucking stupid. Wait. Yes, you can. Let me break this down for you, Gunner. What do you think Sarah thought when she saw you walking out of Holly’s house? A woman you’ve been fucking on the regular?”
“But nothing happened. She was drunk. I just made sure she got home.”
Bailey tilted her head and glared.
“You think? Oh, God!” I roared. “Nothing happened! I swear!”
“You know, when I came in here, I planned on busting your balls about your engagement to Holly. However, this recent development is more entertaining.”
“I’m not engaged to Holly!”
“Well, it’s all over town, Gunner. Heard it from the woman’s mouth myself when she was in Beth’s coffee shop this morning.”
“Was Sarah there?” I asked frantically, jumping from the bed, searching for my jeans.
“I don’t know, but Beth is fit to be tied. You know how she’s adopted all of you merry band of misfits. When Holly came into the shop spouting her impending nuptials to you, Beth lost her shit, kicked Holly out and told her to never come back. She banned the bitch. It was glorious. Best morning ever.”
Jumping into a pair of jeans, I wasn’t paying attention to what I was doing and screamed like a fucking girl, dropping to the floor covering my dick.
Holy fuck. My dick!
Bailey laughed her ass off as she stood over me.
“Aww, did poor little Gunner get hurt? Serves your ass right. I knew your nocturnal frivolities would eventually bite you in the ass. You better fix this shit today before Mike and Beth get wind of what you’ve done, because if Beth bans the Sons of Hell from her coffee shop, your brother will murder you.”
Gasping as I tried to breathe through my nose, I shook my head.