Page 32 of Gunner
“Not an idiot. Just gullible, baby.”
“You be quiet,” King said, pointing his finger at Bailey, who was trying unsuccessfully to hide her laughter. “I don’t need your input on this.”
My brother Pyro, on the other hand, gave up the plot a while ago and just let his merriment flow.
“Maybe we should neuter him,” the turncoat said between gasps of laughter.
“Won’t work,” Bailey deadpanned, shaking her head. “He’s like a rabid dog. Best thing to do is put him down.”
“Callum, let me explain.”
“I am not your brother right now, Gunner. I’m King.”
I gulped. Well shit.
“King, look...”
“No!” my brother roared, slamming his hand down on the table. “If you think for one fucking minute, I’m going to let you marry that bitch. You are stupider than I thought. Seriously, Gunner? Holly Evers! What are you thinking?”
My head snapped to his.
This was about Holly.
I could work with this.
“He wasn’t thinking,” Pyro snickered.
“Oh, he was. Just with the wrong head,” Bailey added with a conspiratorial smile, as she winked at me and I knew right then and there, she didn’t rat me out.
Grinning, I winked back.
I knew I fucking loved Bailey.
“I’m not going to marry Holly.”
“Damn right you’re not. That bitch is besties with the cunt I was formerly married to.”
“Her name is Valerie, honey,” Bailey smiled.
“I know her fucking name!”
“Look, King,” I carefully said. “I was going to end things with Holly last night, but she was too damn drunk. She started spouting all kinds of shit and some people in town overheard. You know how this town lives for gossip. I just need to end it with Holly and things will settle down. No biggie.”
“No biggie?” King narrowed his eyes. “That bitch is going around town telling everyone who will listen that she is going to be the next Mrs. Montclair! The only fucking Mrs. Montclair in this family is sitting right beside you, laughing her ass off.”
“Hey!” Bailey shouted, her laughter ceasing immediately. “We never talked about marriage, asshole. My last name is still Bailey!”
King groaned. “Cupcake. You know what I meant. You’re mine. I claimed you. I plan on marrying you soon, so get with the program.”
“Don’t you take that tone with me, dickcheese,” Bailey argued back. “Just because you can order your merry band of misfits around doesn’t give you the right to order me to marry you.”
“The hell it doesn’t.” King growled. “Who else is going to put up with your ass?”
Pyro and I looked at each other as we slowly got up from our seats.
Yeah, we weren’t stupid.
We knew when to shit and get.