Page 47 of Gunner
“Cut the crap, Gunner. Bailey called. I know everything,” Jessica sighed, then added. “You better come inside before the mob finds you.”
Getting off my bike, I walked over to the only reminder I had of my sister and kissed my niece’s forehead. Jessica Montclair Keller was the only daughter of my sister, Cassandra. God, I missed my sister and wished she were here right now.
She would know what to do.
“You know it’s a damn good thing my mother loved you,” Jess muttered, before stepping aside to let me in the back door. Following her into one of the offices, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Claudia shaking her head and smiling.
“Well, well, well,” Claudia snickered. “Looks like that wayward dick of yours finally caught up with you. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer man.”
“He has to be mentally over the age of twelve to be a man,” Jess deadpanned, before shutting the office door. Taking a seat on the couch Claudia kept in her office, I sighed. “I fucked up, okay? There. I admit it. Now, can you two please help me?”
When neither of them said a word, I looked up to find them both staring at me. “What?”
“How is Sarah?” Claudia asked calmly, sitting back in her chair.
“Probably groveling to her dad right about now. He showed up at my house and saw her shit and a pregnancy test. I didn’t stick around.”
“Cord,” Jess said. “What were you thinking? I mean, Mike and Beth’s daughter? Seriously?”
Moaning, I rubbed my hands down my face as I tilted my head back. “I know.”
“What about Holly?” Claudia asked.
“Holly was fun while it lasted. It’s over now.”
“Does she know that?”
Sighing, I muttered. “I haven’t actually told her yet.”
“So you are stringing along two women. One you’ve been in a semi-whatever you want to call it, relationship, with for the last four years and the other, who is young enough to be your daughter, that you what? Recently took to pound-town? That about, right?” Jess chuckled.
“It wasn’t like that,” I groaned. “I tried to do the gentlemanly thing last night.”
Both women laughed.
“Oh God,” Claudia doubled over. “Now that shit was funny. Gunner, I’ve known you since we were kids, and you’ve never done the gentlemanly thing in your life. You take what you want. When your finished you throw it away and don’t look back.”
“Why Sarah?” Jess asked. “I get Holly. Hell, I get all the women you’ve been with, but not Sarah. She isn’t like the other bitches you’ve been with. She’s innocent. Or she was until you touched her. But why her?”
I knew the answer.
All I had to do was admit it to myself.
The fact was, I knew Sarah was mine from the start.
Maybe it was fate. Who knows, because even I was smart enough to know that my whoring ways would soon be the death of me.
Maybe I subconsciously wanted to be caught.
Maybe I was tired of all the pussy and wanted something more.
Hell, it could be anything, but the one thing I knew for sure of was that Sarah Brewer was my woman. “Because I’ve loved her since the first moment I saw her. I know no one is going to believe me, but it’s the truth. I don’t care about her age. Age is just a number. Hell, King is with Bailey and there is like a twenty-year difference between them. I don’t know,Jess. When I look at Sarah, I see my future. I want to be with her and not just for a few fucks. When I look at Sarah, all I see is her. It’s like she’s the only woman on the planet.”
Jess sighed, looking at Claudia. “I think he’s serious.”
“I think you’re right.”
“The problem is no one is going to believe him.”