Page 60 of Gunner
I really wanted to explore more, but when Priest and Scribe both turned to look at me, I lowered my head. I saw their looks of concern. I got it. I really did. I was a girl.
“It’s okay Gunner. I can find something else.”
“No, you can’t,” Gunner said, pushing off the wall. “You belong in a garage, babydoll. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Let everyone think what the fuck they want. I have faith in you.”
“You mean that?”
“Hell, Gunner,” Scribe added. “If Sarah wants to work in the garage, I’ve got no problem with it. Hell, my sisters would skin my ass alive. Woman power and all that shit. Besides, I saw what she did with your bike. Girl has skills.”
“What’s going on?” King said, walking up. “Thought you were taking Sarah home.”
“I was, but I wanted her to see this place first.”
“It’s a damn garage, Gunner. Sarah doesn’t want to see this dirty place. She just had surgery. She needs to take it easy and heal. Take her to the clubhouse. I’m sure Bailey can keep her company.”
He didn’t want me in a garage.
Hell, I didn’t know where I belonged anymore. My parents didn’t want me. My school didn’t, neither did my friends. I didn’t know what I expected, but I knew nothing was going to change.
All anyone saw when they looked at me was a fuckup.
A pretty face that looked good in designer clothes.
“I’ll go inside,” I whispered, turning to leave when Gunner grabbed my hand.
“No. You are where you belong,” he said, before facing his brother. “Sarah is going to be working in the garage as soon as Claudia clears her for work. She’s got a damn gift and it’s being wasted, King.”
King laughed, shaking his head. “And what is she going to do? You already have a receptionist. While I agree that Mrs. Wilson needs to retire, I don’t think Sarah will enjoy working here. This isn’t...”
Gunner growled, “Be careful what you say next, King.”
Motion to my left had me turning to see Scribe waving his hands and shaking his head furiously as Priest sighed.
I smirked.
“My woman is a talented mechanic. This is my garage. I say what happens here and I say if my woman wants to work here, she can.”
“You can’t be serious!” King said, narrowing his eyes. “This garage is part of the Sons of Hell clubhouse. We all work here. You can’t seriously think she’ll be able to keep up. Hell man, look at her.”
“He’s right, Gunner,” I whispered, holding my anger at bay.
King saw what everyone saw when they looked at me.
A fucking airhead doll that was pretty to look at but had no substance.
“I’ll go see if Bailey’s around.”
“No, you won’t,” Gunner said, as he wrapped his arm around me before looking back at his brother. “You of all people should know to never judge a book by its cover, Callum. If our sister was alive, she would kick your ass.”
King flinched. “Be realistic,Gunner. Sarah is only eighteen and she’s pregnant. She’s been pampered her whole life. Mike said it himself. He gave her everything she wanted. For all you know, this is some whim. I like Sarah. I really do, but you can’t seriously think she’d be happy working in a dirty garage. My God, man. Look at her. She’s in fucking heels!”
“And I’m a tattoo artist that doesn’t have a single ink mark on me,” Bailey said, walking into the garage, plopping down on a dirty chair. “What’s your point, King?”
“My point is, she’s...”
Bailey cocked her head. “She’s what?”