Page 95 of Gunner
There was a baby in Sarah’s belly.
I was going to be a dad.
“I’ll be right back,” Jess muttered, stepping back, reaching for a few napkins to wipe Sarah’s belly. Looking at my niece, I narrowed my eyes. “Why? Is something wrong?”
“Nope,” Jess quickly responded, a little too happy for me, but before I could ask another question, she bolted from the room. Moments later, Claudia walked in, all smiles as if everything was fucking perfectly normal.
“Good morning, everyone,” Claudia greeted. “I see we have a full house today. So, Sarah, I’m going to need you to change into a gown. I know this was just supposed to be a well check-up and to see if we could hear the baby’s heartbeat, but I want to examine you. Is that okay?”
“Sure,” Sarah smiled. “I guess.”
“Good,” Claudia nodded, reaching into a cabinet and pulling out a pink gown. “Just remove everything from the waist down, sweetie, and I’ll be right back.”
Doing as she was told, Sarah got up and removed her leggings and slipped the gown on before sitting back on the exam table.
Something was going on.
I knew it. Beth knew it and so did Bailey.
When I looked at Beth, she shrugged her shoulders, as did Bailey. The door opened and in walked Jessica, pushing some machine in front of her. “Alright everyone. I brought in the big guns.”
“What the hell is that?!” I asked, pointing at the contraption.
“It’s a vaginal ultrasound. We’re going to take the baby’s first picture.”
“Oh, okay,” I sighed as Claudia entered.
Before I knew what was happening, Sarah was lying flat on her back with her feet in some stirrups as Claudia stuck what looked like the thinnest dildo on the planet up my woman’s pussy.
“Is everything okay?” Sarah asked, her eyes glued to the screen as Claudia and Jessica seemed engrossed by the monitor as they pointed at something and speaking in some alien tongue I didn’t understand.
“Hello!” I snarked. “My woman asked a damn question!”
“Gunner,” Beth muttered, placing her hand on my arm. “Let them do their job.”
Claudia turned to look at me, eyes wide with mirth.
Narrowing mine, I growled, “What?”
“Well, Sarah, I know why you’ve been sick as a dog and I’m afraid it’s only going to get worse.”
“What do you mean?” She asked cautiously, reaching for my hand.
What could be worse than puking every waking hour of the damn day?
“Sarah, Gunner,” Claudia smiled. “You’re having triplets.”
“What?!” Beth screeched.
“The fuck you say!” Bailey gasped.
“Three?” Sarah gasped.
Bailey grabbed Claudia by her white coat and cried, “I want the shot. The IUD, a fucking diaphragm. I want it all! Because there is no fucking way King is coming near me again until my va-jay-jay is wrapped up and protected like Fort Knox!”
Three babies.