Page 18 of Ruthless Riot
There’s a chance for me to be more than who I already am, more than a killer, more than a tool or a weapon. There’s an opportunity for me to be a person. Living and breathing, not just surviving.
“Thank you,” Emily says, cheeks stretched with her infectious smile.
“You’re welcome.”
“I’m going to go and tell Maggie,” she announces, buzzing with excitement as she darts from her seat. Emmett rushes after her to catch up while Shift moves to stand in front of me.
“I have a few final pieces of paperwork to arrange with them. I’m going to get it taken care of now,” he says.
“Thank you.”
“No, thank you.”
I don’t try to correct him and he leaves without a backward glance as Ryker stands and stretches. “I’ll go and check in on everyone.” He doesn’t walk straight to the door though, he rounds the coffee table and stops in front of me. Butterflies swarm in my stomach as he leans forward, pressing a soft kiss to my lips before heading out. He leaves me desperate for more, as always, and the way Gray shifts beneath me tells me he knows it too.
Then there were three. Looking over at Axel, I frown. His elbows are braced on his thighs, chin resting on his fists as he stares off into the distance. With the madness that was going on around us, I didn’t notice him getting quieter and quieter. I instantly don’t like it.
“Axel, what’s wrong?”
He blinks a few times, then focuses on me. “There’s enough going on around here for you to worry about without me adding issues into the mix as well.”
Gray doesn’t hold me back as I take a few steps toward Axel before stopping shorter than I want to. “Whatever is going on with you is just as important as everything else. If you don’t want to let me in,usin, then that’s okay, but don’t think I don’t want to help when that's all I want to offer.”
It feels like he stares into my soul until he’s seen every inch of it, and the last glimmer of uncertainty dissolves in his eyes.
“I need to leave.”
Scarlett’s eyebrows furrow.“What? I don’t understand. I—”
“I don’t know what the hell he’s on about, but it’s probably more to do with the fact that he’s really not explaining properly,” Gray grumbles, glaring at me.
He’s right, I need to explain.
Exhaling, I glance between the two of them. My mind has been overwhelmed with worry and stress for Scarlett, but it’s still niggling at the back of my mind that Shift gave me the details for the final woman on my hit list. I can’t ignore it any longer. I need to speak about it to someone, or more specifically…her.
Shift doesn’t really know the extent of who he’s been hunting down for me, but he knows better than to ask. Heonlyknows because his tech skills are next level. Gray, on the other hand, knows nothing.
“Shift has been helping me,” I start, hoping I can keep the momentum going so I can explain.
“How?” Gray asks.
Pinching the bridge of my nose, I take a deep breath before looking at Scarlett. “He’s helped me track down every woman that—”
“Fuck.” The curse is a whisper on her lips as she drops to her knees in front of me. My heart aches and soars all at once. The pain in her eyes looks exactly like how I feel, and I know she gets this on some level that no one else can.
She flattens her palms between her thighs, waiting patiently for me to continue while Gray proceeds to keep his mouth shut for a change.
“He found the last one.”
Scarlett’s eyes flare with a mixture of surprise and excitement. She’s back on her feet in the next moment, hands planted on her hips. “I’m coming with you. Let’s go.”
I startle in surprise at her order, remaining where I am as she moves toward the door. “Scar, I’m not telling you this for you to be the hitman. I’ve honestly never spoken about this to anyone, but I found out where she was just before I learned you were taken…” She smiles then. “Now, I just need to figure out the how and when, since everything is up in the air—”
“Now and in a vehicle of your choice. It’s that simple,” she interjects, raising her eyebrow at me in question, and I grin despite the turmoil inside of me.