Page 24 of Ruthless Riot
“Only the hot ones.”
A grin ghosts his lips, making me smile along with him. He flings his legs over the side of the bed and straightens. “Where is it we’re going?” he asks, and my grin widens.
“Out where?”
“Does it matter?” His brows furrow, clearly not into the whole surprise thing like me, so I relent. Not wanting to waste any more precious time when we’ve got a drive on our hands. “Fine, we’re going to Xenia Springs, Florida.”
He rushes to his feet. He’s only wearing his boxers and it’s distracting as hell. So much so that it takes me an eternity to meet his gaze. When I finally find his narrowed eyes, I know he knows what I’m talking about.
“How did you get that location?”
“Does it matter?”
“Yes,” he bites, but he’s not snarling, so we’re taking this better than I predicted.
“I asked for it,” I offer, which only makes his nostrils flare and jaw tic with annoyance.
“And he just handed it over to you?” he growls, storming for the door before I even get a chance to answer. He’s charging down the hall as I chase after him, but when he reaches the kitchen, he stops dead in his tracks. “What the fuck happened?”
The question is aimed at me as he points inside. I know what’s got his attention, but I don’t answer until he steps inside, and I follow after him, getting another view for myself.
Gray sits closest to the door, a smirk on his lips as he watches Emily hold a cold compress to Shift’s bloody face. I rub my lips together to stop a smile from spreading. Axel’s questioning gaze is still aimed my way, but it’s Shift who answers for me.
“She wouldn’t take no for an answer, man.”
Axel’s eyes bug out as he turns back to me and I lift my hands with a shrug, acting as innocent as possible, but it’s bullshit and we both know it.
“She’s as crazy as me,” Axel murmurs, and my smile widens, pleased with his assessment. Emily chuckles and shakes her head at me, not at all fazed with the fact that I did what I had to do to get the information from Shift. She gets to play nurse and she loves it.
“She just might be, Ax. You should have seen her, it was amazing,” Gray states, blowing a kiss at me, and I catch it, putting it in my pocket for later, which only makes Emily laugh louder.
“I’m glad this is fun for everyone,” Shift mumbles, pouting, as he glares at the four of us, but it only lasts a few seconds until he’s smiling too. “I totally deserved it.”
“You really fucking did,” I retort, wagging my finger at him.
Axel sighs, turning for the door, and I frown. “Where are you going?” I ask, halting myself from reaching out for him.
“To get dressed. We’ve got a long drive ahead of us,” he concedes, and I bounce on the spot, clapping like a fool.
“This was easier than I was expecting,” I admit, and he squints at me again.
“You’re making me soft, Reaper, or I’m making you even crazier,” he assesses. “Either way, we’ll go down together.”
We barely gettwo steps out of the door when Ryker appears from nowhere like a damn mugger hiding in the shadows. Only he’s standing in front of my pickup truck, which is already loaded up with a duffel bag each for Scarlett and I.
I know this move is crazy as fuck, but the way she pulls at my damn soul leaves me helpless to it. She’s a siren out at sea, drawing me out into the darkness, and I’m drenched in fear with every step I take, but I take it anyway.
Scarlett squeaks in surprise as my best friend leans against the driver’s door with his arms folded over his chest. News always travels fast around here, but I thought we had time. Clearly, I was wrong.
“I don’t know where the fuck you two think you’re going on your own. It’s cute that you even think I’m going to consider it, but if you want to entertain me with whatever bullshit you’ve come up with, then I’m all ears.”
“Ryker,” Scarlett starts, taking a step toward him, but he waves a finger between us before she can continue.