Page 38 of Ruthless Riot
I move to open my door, but it’s locked. Shift beams at me, but only holds his ground for a few more seconds before the click of the locks echo around me. With one foot out of the vehicle, I grab my backpack.
“Honestly, Em, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
I don’t meet her gaze as I rush from my seat and shut the door behind me, but by the time I'm rounding the front of the SUV, she’s already there.
She’s been pushing me since I met up with them at our next class. I’ve tried like hell to ignore her, but there’s clearly something written all over my face that gives me away.
“Not even a kiss or a claiming hug to mark you for everyone else?” she asks, cocking a brow at me as I shrug. She shakes her head at me in dismay. “You’re a shit liar.”
“I am not.”
She bursts out laughing. “Scar, you smell like sex, don’t give me any of that bullshit.”
My jaw hits the floor as Shift chuckles too, keeping his head down as he leads the way toward the clubhouse. I can feel my cheeks heating under her assessment, but I keep my head high and ignore her inquisitive stare.
When it’s clear she’s not going to get me to kiss and tell, she sighs, linking her arm through mine. “Who is going to whisk you away next? Or do I get to keep you to myself?”
“No one,” I grumble, recalling exactly how I left Ryker earlier. I was expecting him to be there at the end of the day, but none of them showed. It seems the prez’s little demonstration was enough to relax them.
He fucked me hard, fast, and all-consuming. In the exact spot where I sat when Joshua first approached me, only for the fucker himself to be sitting mere feet away listening. At least he wasn’t looking.
I should be mad. I really should. But just thinking about it makes goosebumps prickle up my arms.
“Well, if that’s the case, do you want to watch a movie or something? Pig out on greasy slices and sugary goodness while I go through everything that was mentioned today?”
I cringe, knowing full well she’s going to have to touch base on everything. “Yes,” I answer, hoping I won’t have to put her through this every night after classes.
“Let’s at least get you two in here first, shall we?” Shift holds the door open, giving us a pointed stare. I glare at him, while Emily flicks the end of his nose, and he snaps his teeth at her fingertip.
“Are you a shit liar too?” I murmur against her ear so no one else can hear. She frowns at me for a second, but I don’t miss the pink trailing up her neck and tainting her cheeks.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she grumbles, avoiding my gaze as Gray hollers my name, bringing me back to the present. Emily quickly releases my arm and pushes me toward the prez’s table where Gray sits, eager to get rid of me after my probing.
I relent, hiking my bag further up my shoulder as I cut through the few people standing between us to get to him. Emmett is sitting beside him, the two of them leaning over a folder on the table, but it seems I’ve distracted their attention.
“Hey,” I say, falling into Gray’s outstretched arms. He squeezes me tight, making me smile as exhaustion rips out a heavy exhale from my lips.
“How did everything go today?”
I peer at him, waiting to see the menacing twinkle in his eyes, but there’s nothing there. Emmett leans his face against his palm, looking up at me with only warmth.
“It was overwhelming, the classes are insane, but not as crazy as Ryker.” I tempt the waters, but they frown at me.
“Is this because of the text Shift sent? He sent another straight after confirming you had it under control, but—”
“Ryker did disappear over lunch unexpectedly,” Emmett interjects, cutting Gray off. I huff, shaking my head at the situation. “What did he do?”
“Beat the guy,” I start, gaze flicking between both of them, and they laugh.
“I’m going to high-five our prez when I see him,” Gray says with a grin, squeezing my side.
“Then gagged him and tied him to a chair in the room where he first hit on me,” I add.
“There’s a reason he’s our leader, Snowflake.” Emmett winks at me. Oh he thinks he’s one smooth fucker.
“Then fucked me against my desk.”