Page 46 of Ruthless Riot
“No way, you sit your ass down. I’ll get the coffees; you made the food,” I insist, and she hums, dropping back down into her chair as I fill the mugs up again. Once I’ve placed them back on the table, I clear our plates despite her protests and rejoin her when everything is cleaned.
“What are your plans for today then?”
“Thankfully, we only have one class today and that’s at two p.m., so I have some time. Other than that, I’m hoping to catch up on some new podcasts that have been released and I haven’t had a chance to listen to. You?”
“It’s almost sweet that you think I leave these four walls,” she states, making my eyebrows pinch as I wait for the punchline, but it doesn’t come.
“For real, Maggie. We need to change that. Tell me what we can do,” I push, and she shakes her head dismissively, waving me off like she regrets even mentioning it. “Don’t give me any of that. Tell me what it is you like to do. You should be able to let your hair down every once in a while too, you know.” I give her a pointed stare, but she just rolls her eyes at me like I’m being ridiculous.
“Don’t worry yourself, Scar—”
“If you don’t give me a hint, I’m telling Gray on you, or Shift, or both if necessary.” I wag my finger at her in warning, and she chuckles like I’m joking.
“What are you telling me, Sweet Cheeks?”
Gray leans against the doorframe. The back of my neck prickles, but I don’t think he has caught sight of it.
“Hey,” I breathe, taking him in. He’s wearing a pair of shorts and nothing else. There are dark circles under his eyes as if he didn’t manage much sleep, and my heart clenches for him. “Did you get much sleep?”
A corner of his mouth tips up as he steps into the room, dropping down into the chair beside me with a heavy sigh. “Don’t worry about that, tell me what you were threatening my mom with.”
I glance between them as Maggie moves to the coffee machine to grab him a mug too. “You two can be so alike sometimes,” I state, pointing between them, and they give me the exact same look, a line forming between their eyebrows as they stare at me.
“No, we’re not,” they say in unison, only proving my point more, before they roll their eyes at me like I’m being dramatic.
Shaking my head at the craziness of the White family, I settle my eyes on Gray as I point at his mom. “When was the last time your mom left this place and did something for herself?”
“Nope, you don’t get to speak until I say so,” I warn, flicking my gaze to hers as I raise my brow, begging her to challenge me, but she turns back to the coffee machine without a word. I don’t think I’ll be able to get away with that very often, but right now it looks like I’m getting a free pass.
“What do you mean?” Gray's palm lands on my bare thigh, making my muscles clench, but I focus on the topic of conversation instead of letting my body react to him.
“I mean, I haven’t known your mom to be anywhere but here, mainly in the kitchen, since I got here. Do you even leave the compound?” I ask, giving myself whiplash as I glance back at her.
“Of course I do.”
“That’s not for the purpose of the club? That’s not for groceries or other bullshit that’s a necessity and for your own enjoyment?” Her cheeks turn pink and the guilty shimmer in her eyes is answer enough. Whirling back around to Gray, I can practically feel the steam shooting out of my ears with rage.
“What is that?”
I flick my gaze back to Gray to find his brows knitting deeper as he slowly raises a finger in my direction.
“What is what?” I ask, irritated that he’s changing the subject, but I don’t want to passively brush him off either.
“On your neck… is that… is that what I think it is?”
I gulp, my throat going dry as his tongue peeks out between his full lips.
This is not how I wanted it to go. I need to put Maggie first right now, so I keep my face turned to him as he tries to peer around to the back of my neck.
“Don’t distract from your mom, Gray. It’s important.”
His gaze flicks to hers and then back to me. “I will make sure she does whatever it is she wants to do by the end of the week if you turn around and show me your neck.”