Page 48 of Ruthless Riot
“Well done, Kincaid. You just added another dead body to the ever growing pile at your expense.”
A tremor runsthrough Molly as Gray launches the cell phone across the room and it shatters into tiny pieces. His shoulders rise and fall, his anger a tangible thing, tainting the air. But he’s not calming down, he’s only getting angrier.
Cutting the distance between us, I gently place my hand on his shoulder and he startles at the touch until he realizes it’s me. “Get the others, Gray.”
He shakes his head. “Scarlett…”
“I need you to get a handle on yourself. I can keep an eye on this dumb bitch until you get back.”
Gray huffs, sneering at the Ruthless Bitch that has truly fucked us over. “I don’t trust that she’ll still be breathing by the time I get back, Sweet Cheeks.”
Despite the seriousness of the situation, I drop my hand to my chest and gasp. “Me? What would little oldmedo?” He smirks, his shoulders relaxing just an inch, but it’s the reaction I wanted. “Fine, I won’t do anything serious at least, maybe just a little maiming,” I offer. He glances between the pair of us one last time before nodding.
“Oh my God, you can’t leave me with her, Gray. Please, I can explaineverything,” Molly interjects, clambering to her feet as her wild eyes search his. She reaches out to touch his arm, just as I had done, but he deflects her touch and sidesteps her in one swift move.
“You don’t want me to stay, Molly, I can promise you that.” He sneers, and I clench my thighs together. It shouldn’t be so hot for him to look like that, but he’s usually the calm one, the funny guy. Seeing him like this is like watching an entirely different person.
“Get the others, Gray. I’ve got her.” I’m eager to encourage him along as he takes a step back, but before he moves, he cocks a brow at me.
“How are you so calm right now, Scar?”
I offer him a soft smile. “This is what I’m trained for. It’s what I know. On the inside, I’m raging, my heart is thundering, but I can take this all in stride,” I answer honestly. He offers me one final nod, not really knowing what to say to me in response, before he storms toward the door at the back to find his brothers.
The second he’s out of earshot, I turn around to the bitch who interrupted what was going to be an exceptionalfuckingtime, only to find her hands planted on her hips and a snarl on her lips.
“You can’t do shit to me,” she hisses, rolling her shoulders back and looking down her nose at me. “Kincaid will protect me.Declanwill protect me.”
I can’t stop the roar of laughter that falls from my lips, a little snort adding to the mix as I stare at her serious-as-fuck face and punch her in it. “Oh my God, you actually believe that… don’t you?” My laughter angers her by the way her face turns red. Perfect. “How do you think that’s going to happen exactly? Neither of them is here right now, not when you need them most. Kincaid won’t do shit to save you, he’s happy to watch people die for his cause. You’re not going to be any different.”
“Well, Declan—”
“Declan what?” I interrupt, stepping closer to her as I raise my eyebrows. “What is he going to do? He's not going to suddenly claim you as his old lady and save you from the wrath of the Ruthless Brothers. He’s far from a knight in shining armor, Molly. Aren’t you aware? Or were you too hungry for his dick to see with anything but rose-tinted glasses?”
She shakes her head like I’m the delusional one. “I’ve told them what you’re capable of. What you’ve done since you got here.”
“You don’t know what I’m capable of.” I sneer, eyes flashing wider with the adrenaline coursing through my veins and tempting me to put an end to her now.
“I watched you kill his men with my own eyes. He didn’t believe me at first, neither did Declan. Not until Graham murmured some things about your past that made him second-guess himself. But I promised on my life that you took down Kincaid’s men, and I wasn’t lying.”
It’s my turn to shake my head. “That was easy. I was using guns, but I much prefer a more hands-on approach since my speciality is torture,” I bite, watching as she gulps, taking a small step away from me.
The door to the right opens from the Ruthless Bitches’ end of the compound and before they can take a full step into the room, I’m yelling at the top of my lungs. “Get the fuck out. Now!” I don’t get a response or a bite back in any form. All we get is the soft sound of the door closing again. Turning my attention back to Molly, I pout.
“You know, I’m really sad I’m actually going to be killing you for a legit reason now, and not because you looked at or touched my men one too many times.” I tap my finger on my lips as I assess her.
“You’re sick,” she grunts, folding her arms over her chest to create a barrier between us.
“You haven’t seen anything yet.”
She huffs. “You’re a dumb bitch who… ah—”
I slam my fist into her face, and her nose crunches under my touch. It’s like a beacon for me every time she pisses me off, and now is no different. If she crumbles at this, imagine what’s going to follow.
“Sorry, what did you say I was? I didn’t hear you,” I goad, a smug grin on my face.