Page 52 of Ruthless Riot
This is exactly what he deserves, the love he should have always received.
A silent bubble casts over the room, everyone’s heads dipping in thought for a moment as we remember Dylan and those we’ve lost.
Gray clears his throat, the first to pull his chin from his chest. “So, when do I get my matching tattoo?” He distracts from the sadness in the room, as he always does, and Emmett shuffles beneath me, keeping me pinned to him while he looks at his friend.
“Whenever you want. I promised Scarlett that I would do yours next, so whenever you’re ready.”
“I want it now,” Gray blurts, wagging his eyebrows at me, not even pausing for a beat to consider it.
“What matching tattoo?” Ryker asks, intrigue coloring his features.
Emmett spins me on his lap, turning my back to Axel and Ryker to reveal the black lotus freshly marked into my skin.
“Fuck,” someone curses, and my skin prickles with heat. I think it’s Axel, but I can’t be sure. It was raspy as hell, that’s for sure.
“Let me go and get my things, Snowflake,” Emmett murmurs, lifting me to my feet as he stands. No sooner do my toes touch the floor am I straight back up in the air again as Gray pulls me into his lap.
“Shall I order some pizzas?” Shift asks, and Emily stands with him.
“I’ll help. Otherwise, you’ll just order six meat feasts,” she insists, and Shift laughs.
“That’s because pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza, Em.”
“What? Yes, it does!”
They continue to bicker as they step out of the door. I don’t miss the inquisitive look on Gray’s face as they leave. He’s catching on to the feelings and emotions that swarm around them too.
Ryker clears his throat, leaning forward to brace his arms on his knees. I tilt my head in his direction to find an almost nervous look on his face. He assesses me for an extra moment, before exhaling harshly. “I want it as well."
“Want what?” Emmett asks, stepping back into the room with a cart filled with all of his supplies.
“Matching.” I gulp, in a state of shock I didn’t know was possible. “Is that okay?” he asks, gaze still locked on mine, and I nod, taking a second to find out how to use my damn tongue again.
“Always,” I croak.
“Okay, Brothers, form an orderly line,” Emmett orders with a grin, pointing to the coffee table for Gray to take a seat first.
Ryker strips out of his cut and tee, bearing his abs to me as he winks, and I nestle further into the seat as Emmett goes through the motions. The hum of the tattoo gun is like a symphony for my damn heart as the stenciled outline becomes permanent with every stroke of the needle.
I’m not sure I blink the entire time, it feels like only seconds have passed when Emmett declares him done. Gray bounces on his feet, eyes peering into my soul as he steps toward me.
“How does it look, Sweet Cheeks?”
He turns, revealing the exact same tattoo as mine. “It looks good on you.”
“Your mark always looks good on me.”
That’s hot.
“My turn,” Ryker announces as Gray presses his lips to mine, before taking the seat beside me.
I’m completely engrossed in the process all over again like I’ve never seen it before. It’s exhilarating watching someone mark themselves with a tattoo exactly the same as yours to show the world that they are yours and you are theirs.
I’m sure Emmett does it even faster this time, because I barely manage to calm my breathing before Ryker's kneeling down in front of me, back turned to show me the symbol on his skin. Shuffling forward in my seat, I press my lips to the skin just to the left, sealing my approval. Capturing my hand in his, he brings my knuckles to his lips, silently returning the sentiment. As he rises to his feet, movement to my left catches my attention and I startle when Axel strips out of his tee and lowers himself to the coffee table.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.