Page 55 of Ruthless Riot
I turn to Shift, only to find him clocking Joshua’s location too. I give him a pointed stare, but he still remains by the door, leaving Emily to head down to her seat. Huffing, I drop into my spot, annoyed that I’m here to protect Emily, only for Shift to be here to protect me.
When I say I love these Ruthless Brothers, I definitely don’t mean all of the time. Only when it suits me and they’re not being a total pain in my ass.
Just like last time, the class goes by in a whirlwind, and I feel like I have a healthy dose of whiplash. I tried harder, even pulled my notepad and pen out to try and take notes, but I know Emily is going to have her hands full explaining the lesson to me again. At least it’s Friday, so we can do it some time over the weekend.
Everyone rises from their seats when it’s time. Joshua rushes down the steps and heads through the fire exit without a glance back. I spin to look at Shift, but he’s too busy watching Emily make her way up the stairs with the other people from her row.
Once the three of us are together, I make sure I’m walking on the right side of Emily as Shift covers her left. But I still manage to jab him in the arm with my finger.
“Hey, what the fuck, Scar?”
“Please, you know there was no reason for you to be there at all. You can report that back to your prez with a sweet middle finger aimed in his direction too,” I grumble, still irritated.
Emily smiles at the pair of us, but doesn’t say a word. The silence gives me a second to stop being so dramatic and get over it. It’s a simple reminder that there were three of us the last time something happened, and one of us paid the price. I don’t have this on my own, and as much as my pride doesn’t want him to be hovering over our every move, it’s the whole point of us being here.
“Where are we heading next, Em?” I ask, being too lazy to pull the details out, but she doesn’t complain.
“We actually have our first English class.”
I really,reallyneed to pay attention then. Nodding, I try to psych myself up.
“Do you want to grab a coffee on the way? It starts in thirty minutes,” she offers.
“Definitely. Please tell me we’re going to the bagel place, because youknowI’ve been craving that spicy goodness.” I cross my fingers, repeating the wordpleaselike a mantra in my mind until she nods.
“It’s the only place to go.”
“These are on me, an apology for being all up in your faces despite the original plan,” Shift offers, fluttering his eyelashes at us. Emily giggles, and as much as I try to give him my worst stare, it falls flat.
“Apology accepted,” I state, making him grin, but I wag a finger at him too. “But if it’s going to happen everyday. We’re going to need a daily apology too.”
“Fuck,” he groans, mumbling something about upping the allowance Ryker gave him to take care of us.
The crowd thins out as we head toward the cafe. All the while, I try to think positive thoughts about the next class. If there’s anywhere I have to apply myself, it’s in English. She’s in that class because of me,forme, and I refuse to let her regret it.
Emily and Shift chat about some new television show I haven’t heard of, and I take the opportunity to pull my cell phone out.
Scarlett: Is there any other reason I should be aware of for Shift needing to be IN classes today?
I’m just about to put it away, not expecting an immediate reply, when my cell vibrates.
Ryker: Other than making sure no man walks within ten feet of you? Nope.
Scarlett: Cute, but this isn’t over.
Ryker: I didn’t think it would be. But if you behave and be a good girl, I’ll be sure to make it worth your while.
I don’t offer him a response. Someone’s been talking about my kinks. It was definitely Emmett. He called me a good girl, and then Gray did, and now Ryker. I don’t think Axel knows how to call me anything other than Reaper.
The cafe appears in the distance, distracting me from the heat I can feel at my neck. I’m definitely flushed, but if Emily or Shift notice, they don’t mention it. Stepping inside, I’m relieved to see only a few people ahead of us in the line. When it’s our turn, Shift orders a cinnamon bagel with a black coffee, Emily a blueberry one with a latte, while I go for my usual cheddar jalapeño special with cream cheese, and a vanilla latte.
As we exit the store, I’m smiling ear to ear with my goodies in hand, taking a big bite of the cheesy goodness when I stop dead in my tracks, bagel frozen at my lips.