Page 57 of Ruthless Riot
No, you just lost your little ally in here, motherfucker.
“Was there anything else?” I ask, eager to get on with my day and the promises I made and the need to uphold.
“I’m just trying to understand more about it. You say she was working with the enemy, with Kincaid,” he states, pointing at the door. “We overheard your conversation with the Bitches, but I’m just trying to figure out how you found out about her secret.”
I hold back a scoff, but my nostrils flare despite my best efforts. This man’s more worried that he’ll get caught. Pity he doesn’t realize he already is.
“She was heard on a phone call with him,” Axel grunts, not even bothering to look at Declan.
“By who? I hope it was a reliable source because—”
“It was me… and Scarlett. Two witnesses. But this is Ruthless Brothers business, and we handle things how we see fit.” I hate that I muttered her name in his vicinity, and the nudge I get from Emmett tells me he’s pissed too. It doesn’t make a difference though; he’s never going to be anywhere with her alone ever again.
She’s ours. The ink on the back of my neck confirms it.
Graham sighs. “Thank you for explaining, I know it’s out of courtesy,” he offers, a tired smile on his face and I nod. “You say the word and I’ll rally the extra men down here quicker than you can say done, okay?”
“Thank you, Graham,” Ryker murmurs, jutting his chin at him, and the two men rise. Declan drags his feet like he’s considering saying something, but he eventually shuts the door behind him without saying a word.
The second they’re gone, the tension seeps from the room and we let out a relieved sigh.
“His time is coming,” I grunt, and Axel jabs a finger across the table at me.
“Your time is coming if you utter her name in front of him again,” he bites, and I roll my eyes. I’m not oblivious to the fact that I said her name to state my claim, to confirm she was with me.
“Whatever,” I grumble, rising to my feet. “Are we done? I have some plans to uphold.”
“What plans?” Emmett asks, and I smile.
“I have a date with my mama.”
* * *
“Ma,I was not prepared for all of this.”
It should be impossible to shop for this long. No one requires this many bags surely, but if anyone deserves it, it’s her. Next time, I’m bringing Shift along though, because this is definitely a two-man job.
“Honey, you’re never prepared for anything girly. But you’re doing a good job. Just one more shop,” she soothes, patting my cheek before pointing at the next one.
“You’re definitely making the most of this, aren’t you?”
A smile ghosts my lips as I side step the crowd walking toward us and follow her into the store. The second she starts trying to buy underwear, I’m fucking out. I have my limits.
One more shop turns into six, and I’m sure I’ve covered every inch of the mall a hundred times over. It should be impossible, but here we are.
“Want to grab some lunch?” she asks, handing me another bag.
“Sure. Where do you want to go?”
“There’s supposed to be a cute little taco place here if you want to try it?” Her eyes light up with hope, and I can’t say no, I’m a complete sucker for her.
“At this point, I’m willing to eat anything. I’m exhausted.” She beams at me, practically skipping along to the food court. I unload all of the bags from my arms and drop them at her feet before placing our orders.
Two. Of everything.